Friday, June 29, 2012

A much needed break from my random thoughts and quirky ideas...

I discovered Dr. Dyer's blog a while back.  I "ran" across it again today and thought you might enjoy it too.  A much needed break from my ramblings...  You are welcome!

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Without a Doubt

Abraham Maslow spent a good part of his adult life researching and writing about the idea of self-actualization. He described the small percentage of people he called “self-actualizing” as living at the extraordinary level of consciousness. I vividly recall Dr. Maslow’s assertion that one of the highest qualities these self-actualizers possess is the inclination to be independent of the good opinion of others.

I’m deeply attracted to this idea of living extraordinarily—independent of the good opinion of others—stressing it in many of the books and recordings I’ve produced, starting in 1971.

One of Dr. Maslow’s most significant attributes of living a self-actualized life is self-trust. When you trust yourself to decide your destiny, you don’t allow externals to discourage or influence you.

To finish reading this post or to visit his site:

Quote for today
The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another.
-James Matthew Barrie

Hot 10 mile run  on Friday!!!  Dirty Heads kept me company (a recommendation from my son).  I haven't listened to them since last summer.  Next Andrea Bocelli kept me going...I wish I had Rodrigo and Gabriella on my Nano.  At about 8 miles...I started to think...this is so boring...why did I sign up to train all summer and run a marathon. turning back now.  I dumped more water on my head than I drank!  I have a pic but will not share it :)  100ish days to marathon and blog end...

PS. The top 5 fundraisers are all men! I'm not sexist but there should be a woman in the top 5 (me!).    I don't think I am competitive but I've been told I am.   I don't mind being called competitive when it's for a good cause.   I'm currently at $2,700 and #5 spot has $3,150. close :) 

PS..PS...  Sunday's post might be delayed... no internet access and will not bring my laptop with me

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Your friend Newbie
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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Do running socks really look as nerdy as I think?

Gabi loves when I wear these to Starbucks!  But...anything to stop my shins from hurting.  I never thought I would wear black socks with gym shoes but there is a first time for everything :)  I didn't think I would ever wear them when running but I did that too! 

Most of the time I go for fashion over function but not when it comes to training and injury prevention.
Danielle's legs look great!  I am wearing nerdy compression socks :)

Every Saturday morning for the past few years, I've met with Danielle to "train".  Usually I am tired or have a slight headache from Friday night.  She would try to push me harder but I would whine about something.  My head hurt, my arm hurt, my neck hurt...  But she would do her best to get me motivated.  It usually worked, especially when kick boxing was on the agenda!

Lately I switched from Saturdays to a weekday morning and I knew she would not be happy with me today!  The first thing she said to me "Easy day today, Huh?"  Oopps...I knew she read my blog but didn't think she read it everyday.  I paid the price today for saying Thursday was my easy day.  More "tough love" :)  Thank you Danielle!!

We did not plan on matching outfits but I thought it was funny so we took a pic.
Danielle is a great trainer and Pilates instructor!

Does marching in the Hinsdale 4th of July Parade count as "running" or "cross training"?  Danielle is not only my trainer but we have also become good friends.  She invited me to join her as she marches in the parade with Madison and her feisty English Setter, Rocky.  Gabi is so excited and what a great way to start the 4th of July!  Better than getting hit in the face with a firework like I did a few years ago...but I will save that story for another post.

10 mile run on Friday.  It will be hot even at 6am at the lake.  It will definitely be a water bottle poured on my head kind of run.  Wish me luck!

Quote for the day
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. ~Albert Schweitzer

My thought for the the spark!

Your friend Newbie
Please donate…it only takes a few minutes and the children of RMHC need your help
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Dynamic Duo

Last week a group from the office decided to go to our new favorite Indian buffet for lunch. We were over indulging as usual...I really do need to run to eat :)

My coworker, Shaukat turns to me and asks, do you need to go to the doctor before you run a marathon? I laughed and said I probably should but it never occurred to me!

The rest of the conversation went something like this:

Shaukat: Do you think I can run a 5K? I am not a runner but I play racquetball.

Newbie: Of course you can!

Shaukat: Don't you think I'm too old?

Newbie:  No Way! My friend Jan ran her first marathon at age 56 and she had never ran one mile in her life. She decided in January that she would run the marathon in October (of the same year!) She trained for 9 months and proudly crossed the finish line. She definitely did not look like she just ran 26.2 miles! She was absolutely glowing and wore 4 inch heels to her presentation the next day. Shaukat, if she can train and run a marathon in 9 can surely run your first 5K!

Philip joined in and said "Let's do it!" And then far is 5K?  Obviously,  Philip is not a runner either :)   Being the impatient person that I am...I said so.... WHEN are you running it? I will give you until the end of September to run it.   We shook on it and David chimed in he would donate $100 to my RMHC fundraising when they finished. Way to go Philip and Shaukat!!

A silly post lunch pic..I told them it looked like they were flashing gang signs!

Shaukat and Philip running their first 5k!
It warms my heart to know two NEWBIE5Krs have been inspired :) I can't wait to see them
cross the finish line.   Or I might join them!  Stay tuned to this Bat Channel...

Batman and Robin reminded me that I also have "utility belt."  But mine includes: Pepper spray (for coyotes), Shot Blocks, car keys, Nano, water, headphones, and IPhone.

My utility belt

Random pic!  Catwoman is bad...but so cool :)

 “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger....

I am convinced my coach is trying to kill me!  What is the saying...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger???  I think she has too many clients and trying to get rid of a lazy one :)  She calls it "tough love"

Jan called Coach Mary Ann a ball buster recently and I now think Jan is right.  Mary Ann looks sweet...but she is tough.  I warned Mary Ann I would call her a ball buster in my blog...but it was a "term of endearment".   Mary Ann is a two time IronMan (Ironwomen :)) and a mother of 5.  I don't know how she does it all!
Coach Mary Ann Sedor.  Thanks for your "tough love"

 My training plan for this week.  This will be a tough week!

  • Monday: 1 hour run with speed work (that means you are "supposed" to run really fast for short bursts)

  • Tuesday: 90 minute endurance bike ride.   Apropo to name it that...I "endured" it but it wiped me out!  Rode my new bike and didn't fall using the "clips" for the first time.  Tuesday was scheduled as my day off but I had to move my Sunday bike ride to today.  I knew I would not ride 90 minutes on Sunday after spending the weekend at a friend's summerhome.  I plan to overindulge this weekend :)
My new bike!! I did wear a helmet...just forgot to wear it for this photo

  • Wednesday:  5 mile run:   I am worn out from my Tuesday bike ride...the hills at WFG will not be my friends on Wednesday morning

  • Thursday:  Strength training.  Easy day!  Luckily since it will almost 100 on Thursday.

  • Friday...she is trying to kill me!  10 mile run with a little walking...  Coach Mary Ann, that is 2... count them 2... more miles than last week! 

  • Saturday and Sunday:  Two days off.  Eating, drinking, boating and swimming at my friend's summer home.  I will need the rest!  Actually, Mary Ann would like me to run on Sunday for 30 minutes...but we shall see :)

Why am I sharing all this...because runners like to talk about themselves? (note: I am not using the N word...Narciss....)!  It's because if I can do can do it.  I wasn't sure I could do this but so far so good.  OK...I have 102 more days of training to I might change my mind. But there is no turning back now!

I was joking about switching to a Food Blog yesterday but it reminds me of this quote:

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
Virginia Wolf

Please donate…it only takes a few minutes and the children of RMHC need your help
Your friend Newbie

I run to eat!

Sorry for the "boring" post yesterday.  A few people told me it was booooorrrinnnggggg!  OK...I was feeling narcissistic so I was editing myself. more...I will not edit myself.  Can't be myself...and hopefully funny...when I am concerned about being narcissistic.  So back to my narcissism :)  And...I will try to refrain from using the word narcissism or narcissistic from now on.

I ran on Monday morning and my friend Jan was supposed to run on Monday too.  Just before dinner, she called and asked what I was doing...well it did it not take much convincing on her part to persuade me to "run" to Nabuki with her.  We will pay the price tomorrow with a 2 hour bike ride!

I had never been to Nabuki and it was fabulous!!  I heard good things about it...but I had no idea.  I plan to stop blogging after the marathon but maybe I will turn it into a food blog for the winter.  Nothing like "fattening" up during the winter months.  Unfortunately...although I've been running food and wine consumption is outpacing my running!

Nabuki! My new favorite sushi place

Of course this reminds me of a story.  This weekend the Food/Beverage director at Tulane gave a presentation.  She was a heavy set and very happy person...she said she was not large but had "credibility."  Very funny!  If I keep eating like this...I will have "creditability" too :) 

Reminds me of some great slogans I've seen on running shirts:

"I overtrain so, I can overeat!"
 "Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane!"
"Your pace or mine?"

I've been told this applies to me.  I hope the "keep up" part does too!

This my favorite t-shirt quote and might apply to me during the marathon!

"If found on ground, please drag to finish line."

Hope you enjoyed the silly quotes!  Nothing deep or inspirational today :)

Please donate,
Your friend Newbie

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Thank you!!

Thank you to to all the blog readers and contributors!!!  So far your contributions total $2,113.  Which means I am 20% to my $10k goal.   104 more days until marathon and blog end!  If you don't want to do the math, it also means I need $75.83 (at least) per day to reach my goal.  If you remember the daily amount from my previous posts...the amount is going up.   Not good!  So for all you procrastinators...please donate today!  I am procrastinating right now.  I should be working on a proposal but I am writing my blog so I can empathize...but no excuse.

Not only am I asking you for a donation but I am also asking you to consider volunteering for RMHC. Join me if you can.

I printed out my volunteer application for RMHC a week ago and still haven't filled it out/submitted it.  I am committing to submitting by end of the week.  So... to all those that I am keeping on track by following up on their commitments...feel free to pester me as I have have pestered you :)

Check out the RMHC website for 30 ways you can help in 30 days.  I really like #9 because it involves food :)

Host a pizza party, ice cream social, or popcorn & movie night

"Interacting with others going through a similar hardship is one of the greatest benefits to families staying at a Ronald McDonald House. Pizza parties and movie nights are just some of the activities that help families build relationships."

30 ways to help link

Love this quote!
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain!"
- Vivian Greene

Please donate...the children of RMHC need you!

PS.  Upon reflection, I realized my postings lately have not quite been narcasistic...but they have been somewhat self indulgent.  I will focus more on my blog goal...inspiring others to get moving and fundraising!  Thank you for allowing my self indulgence for a bit :)

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Your friend Newbie

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The only constant is change...The Big Easy edition

Caution...long post ahead...grab a beverage before you start...or delete if you find my blog narcissistic(Ed!) 

Well...the trip had not turned out quite as I planned.  I hardly spent any time with Will :(  He was busy starting his new adventure and I was there to listen to boring sessions about so many details I can't possibly remember them all!  And, another full day of listening on Sunday.

How is it possible my baby boy is 18, 6'1" and all grown up???   It seems like only yesterday I was holding him...and he was shorter than I was.  I look like a dwarf next to him in the pics.    I know all the parents reading this blog can empathize.

So... while I was having my pity party for myself... I remembered that I read smiling makes you happier.  Actually forcing yourself to smile.  So did that last night and it worked.  The thought of what I looked like with a forced goofy grin on my face made me laugh.  Pity party over!  Until Aug 25th when I travel back to NOLA to help Will start his adventure.

"It's not only children who grow.   Parents do too.   As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.   I can't tell my children to reach for the sun.   All I can do is reach for it, myself."
  ~Joyce Maynard

On to a lighter note...

I had planned to stay on campus in the dorm rooms.  Seemed like a good idea when I made the reservations...but what was I thinking!!!  Will and I walked into the dorm room I was supposed to share and said "Really Mom?".  Plastic pillows...prisonlike bed...dingy bathroom...and no TV.  I hardly ever turn on the TV but I would need one if I stayed there.  Needless to say, I checked into a hotel in the French Quarter instead.  Ritz same price as the Hilton...hmmmm...let me think about it... Ritz Carlton please!  Great jazz band playing when I checked in.  So much better than the dorms!

I started to wonder...what is the etymology of the Big Easy (my big word for the day!).  I've been called "Question Girl" recently and thanks to Google, the Internet and my Iphone...the answers are always at my fingertips.  If only my parents had access to this technology when I was growing up I might not have been as exasperating!

According to "WiseGeek" "Another possible origin for the nickname of the Big Easy is connected to the relaxed attitude toward alcohol consumption that was found in New Orleans, even during the days of Prohibition. La Nouvelle-Orleans, perhaps more than any other city, continued to enjoy an active night life that offered everything from bathtub gins to the finest wines. Anyone who wanted to enjoy a drink or two could easily find something to his or her liking among the many nightspots of New Orleans. Thus, the Big Easy could have referred to the great ease of enjoying an evening with the alcohol of one’s choice."

Hope you enjoy the photo collage of our trip.  Except my brother...who will call me a narcissist :)

PS.  An adorable 4 year old started a conversation with me in the elevator about princess dresses.  What a great way to start the day!  Time to head out to Tulane and hopefully spend time with Will who loved to dress up as a Power Ranger :)

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Reconnect with an old friend this weekend

Shar and I have been friends for 34 years, since 7th grade.  As Sharlene pointed out last night...yes...that dates us.  We were college roommates and remained friends but had not spent much time together for many years.  Shar doesn't agree but I wasn't a very good friend.  I hadn't stay as connected as I should have.'s never to late to remedy something.  We reconnected lately and not only rekindled our friendship our daughters also hit it off.   They only met a few times as children but now as young women they look forward to our next dinners.  And, the surprising part...they like hanging out with their moms!  (Gabi confirmed this is true :))  Luckily our daughters are better than we were at 15!  Sorry Shar...I noticied I used reconnected twice in this paragraph...and I know that bothers you...but it's late and I have to get to sleep :)

Thursday night we had Organic food and decided on our next dinners...Ethiopian, Greek and Mediterranean (especially Felafel's!).  That should take us into 2013.  Looking forward to our next dinner Shar and Gianna!

8 mile run/walk combo on Friday am (mostly running but walking was part of the plan) .  Instead of Man Vs. Wild it was Newbie vs. WFG hills.  In the past, I welcomed the hills as my opportunity to take a quick break and walk.  But, since my coach will see my Garmin report and walking up hills is not was the I day I had to conquer them!  Damn hills!  I like my flat path better :)  

Ended the day with a wonderful long massage...Thank you Rachel!!  Glad you finally started writing your book!

PS.  I'm posting Saturday's blog on Friday night.  Early morning flight to the New Orleans with Will.  2 day break from training!

Your tired friend Newbie,
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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Future NewbieMarathoners

This morning I had the joy of spending time with Madison.  She is my friend, Pilate's instructor and running buddy Danielle's beautiful daughter.  She is just starting to take her first steps but will be running soon!  With her mom's fast pace, I am sure she will be a NewbieMarathoner in the near future. 

My baby Gabi and the best daughter ever!!  Artistic, smart, outstanding musician and so sweet!!!  (Usually :))  She is not a runner... yet...but I didn't start until I turned 40!  Never to old to try something new. 

Finally agreed to let Gabi dye her hair after a year of asking and writing long letters to convince me. 

Compliments of Gabi
This made Gabi laugh hysterically for minutes...although she looks all grown up...she is and will always be my baby...and possibly another NewbieMarathoner. this blog is supposed to be about training, inspiration and on to a more relevant topic...Training.  14 mile bike ride on Thursday at a really fast pace (for me).  It was difficult!  But so much fun!  (when I was finished :))

Friday is my longest run for training to date...8 miles!  I was so happy when I read I can walk part of it.  Yeah!!  Breaks my "no walking streak" but if my coach says it I must follow.   See below for Friday's plan.  MaryAnn how I am supposed to remember all this while running???

Coach Mary Ann's Plan
We are working on building the base of your endurance here -- this is a walk/run designed to get you moving for longer periods of time - the total will be 8 miles (but six of it only as running)
Walk 1/2 mile STRONG (pace around 13/14 min miles) then run for 3 miles - walk again 1/2 mile strong - run 2 miles - walk 1/2 mile - run 1 mile - walk 1/2 mile strong
HR 140 ish

Luckily it will not be as hot and humid this Friday.   Posting might be delayed on Saturday since I am headed to the Big Easy with Will :)

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”

Please donate,
Your friend Newbie

PS.  Posting Friday's blog on Thursday night...busy day tomorrow

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The only constant is change

I need to remind myself of that occasionally...

My son is leaving home at the end of August for his first adventure...starting college at Tulane University.   I am so proud of him!  Student (and parent) orientation is this weekend.  Like most teenage boys he didn't want his mother to join him on this trip.  I told him I would not hang out with him I would just wear a t-shirt that says "I'm Will's mom"  :)

Will at the Tulane Crawfest Music Festival

After 8 years, moved into our new office space last week. The new space is cozy...a euphemism for smaller.  But my office is brighter so I can't complain!

Another more walking!  I haven't walked one step during my run in the last 2 weeks.  With my coach's voice in my head..."That's it"  "You can do it...keep running!"  Hope I can still make that claim after my 8 mile run on Friday!  The first mile is always the most difficult...after that you get in a groove... 

See below for for an accurate description of how I feel/look when I run :)

Since I run like a girl...I wonder if this is a girl dog :)

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
-Andre Gide

PS. Putting Gail and Danna on the spot...I am waiting for your guest blogs....and you know I am not patient :)

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Your friend Newbie

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

India is still there

Strange title but I have a story about I usually do...

I had the opportunity to visit India on a few occasions.  But, I always came up with good reason not to go.  My children were too young to leave for such a long time, the trip was too long (3 transfers and 18 hours!), the weather was too hot (it can be 120 degrees at times),  cows wander the streets.  As you can see...many "good" reasons!  But the real reason was that I was intimidated to travel such a long distance by myself and visit an unusual country.

After saying I would visit many times but not actually following through, the Indian team manager told me "You are writing it (visit to India) in water".  I had never heard that expression before and he said it was an old Indian saying.  I emailed him last night to confirm the definition: "it is only loud talk, But will never materialize. "  Thanks for responding so quickly Winfred!

I told a friend the story recently and said I regretted not visiting India when I had the chance. She gave me a odd stare and said "Well India is still there".  Of course!  I still have time to visit India.  So the point of my story is, running the marathon was similar for me.  I was "writing it in water" for awhile.  But not anymore :)

Are you writing something in water???

As I said can find anything on Google Images :)

Now on to a completely unrelated topic...

Does bowling count as cross training?  I will ask my coach but I think I know the answer, especially if drinking and bowling.  That reminds me of a question I was asked recently.  Are you giving up drinking during your marathon training?  What????  The thought had not even crossed my mind!  Of course not.  Like I said yesterday...I run to eat and drink so why on earth would I want to stop drinking during my training.  I am taking my training seriously but not THAT seriously. :) 

Sent to me compliments of my only tea totalling friend

PS.  I know my brother will be disappointed...but I did not include any pics of his favorite narcissist today.  You're welcome Ed!

As always, please donate.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sometimes we can't see the forest thru the trees...

For anyone who hasn't visited MUST GO!

I've lived in the Chicago area my entire life and always THOUGHT about seeing a concert at Ravinia but never got around to it...  But...It's later than I think so why pass up another chance when I received a last minute invite :)

“To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.”
Benjamin Franklin

Jimmy Cliff was fantatic!  Everyone had a great time...especially the little kids running around and dancing...what a joy to see everyone just letting loose and swaying to the music!

When we arrived, I asked the attendent the fee for parking.  I jokingly asked if it was free...he said sure.   Free parking :)  Damn!  I wish I had been bold enough to ask for crazy things before!  I will donate the $20 I saved to RMHC

Learned how to create a collage using Picasa. I am like a child with a new toy...collaging everything!  Multiple pics of me to annoy my brother :)

Jimmy Cliff Lyrics
“But I'll keep on fighting for the things I want
Though I know that when you're dead you can't
But I'd rather be a free man in my grave
Then living as a puppet or a slave

So as sure as the sun will shine
I'm gonna get my share right now of what's mine
And then the harder they come, the harder they'll fall, one and all”

-Jimmy Cliff

Another thing I should mention...I run to eat and drink!'s just one of the many reasons I run but it's probably close to the top of the list!  Had a great dinner at a new place last night, Zak's (delicious)  And, looking forward to lunch today with an old (or maybe I should say former) work colleague.   Heading to a place for lunch that I love but haven't visited in a long time.  White Chocolate :)  It's been a long time since I've had my favorite Filet Cobb Salad.  Steve is the orignal smart alec who donated the exact amount I requested in my blog.  Thanks for starting that trend Steve!

Please donate...large amounts preferred...if I hit my goal before the marathon I might stop blogging.  Um no!

Your friend Newbie

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Does writing a blog make me a narcissist and an egomanic???

According to my brother it does!  Funny story and since I am a narcissist I want to tell you all about it... because it is about me :)


Definition of narcissistic personality: personality disorder characterized by extreme self-centeredness and self-absorption, fantasies involving unrealistic goals, an excessive need for attention and admiration, and disturbed interpersonal relationships.

Definition of egotism: conceit.

Writing this particular post is really making me smile.  My one and only sibling, Ed, is two years older than I am.  Lately he likes to tell people I am his older sister.  What is that all about Ed? :) 

Anyway... back to my story, we are at our old friends daughter's high school graduation party.  Two of our friends come up to me, when Ed is standing nearby, and tell me they really like my blog.  I am surprised because I did not share my blog with them but my friend did.  Ed rolls his eyes and says that I am a narcissist and egomaniac because I am writing a blog.  Funny because Ed has never read my blog!  I try to explain I am writing the blog to leverage social media to hit my $10k goal but that just caused another eye roll.  I will forgive him if he makes a large donation....

So in honor of my dear brother Ed (he really is a great brother...most of the time) I am posting not one... but many pictures of myself!  Let's call it a day in the life of a narcissist :)

I whined about the heat, but not humidity yet.  It was like a swamp at WFG on Sunday.  But, again...if I can do it...anyone can do it.  So get out there and get moving!  Like yesterday's quote...It's later than you think :)

Damn!  It was hot and humid!

It was so humid my camera fogged up for this photo!

Lunch at Gibsons...after a cold shower :)

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Your narcissistic friend NewbieMarathoner

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

When will I stop whining about running in hot weather??

Probably not anytime soon!  The weather is expected to be in the 90's all week.

I ran 6 miles on Friday with Coach Mary Ann.  Her direction: "I just want you to run an easy 6 hard should be able to talk the entire time."  The thought running through my head...and confirmed after the run... running 6 miles when it's 85 is never EASY!  But...OK I will try...

I don't mean to be fact the opposite...after all my whining about it...I was able to run (no walking) for 6 miles on Friday.  If I can do it, you can too!

After the first 3 miles, Jan and Mary Ann had to leave and left me to my own devices.  I really wanted to walk a bit, but with my Garmin and heart rate monitor on...Mary Ann would be able to detect if I walked.  I felt like a home bound prisoner with one of those ankle bracelets!  After dumping a bottle of water over my head I finished the next 3 miles...without walking.  Now if I can only keep that up for 20 more miles, I will be golden!

I will share a little known secret with you...guess it will not be a secret anymore.  :) When I I travel to Florida on business, I always found a good reason to stay at the beach.  After a long run, jumping into the hotel pool (in my running gear) felt incredible!  Usually I had the pool all to myself but on a few occasions I had some strange looks from the other business travelers heading out for their meetings.  I wish I had a pool to dive into on Friday!
I'm not in the photo but reminds me of pool on the beach in Florida.  Surprisingly I could not find a pic of "women jumping into pool with running gear" on Google Images :)

So... if you are HOT after a run...find a pool and JUMP IN!

“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”

(If I read this quote from Jan's POV it is about death...but to me... it's about living life! )

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Your friend Newbie

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

I love running when it's 85 degrees... Um no!

Due to circumstances beyond my control (pesky work obligations and conflicting schedules) had to meet my coach at 11am on Friday.  Not ideal since it was already 85 at the start of our run.  I've heard you add 20 degrees to the temperature and that is how it really feels when you are running.  I can attest to that!  I avoided running in the summer heat last year (I had more sense back then) but with the marathon in October I have no choice but to train in the heat.  Have I already asked... who is the idiot who signed me up for the damned marathon?   Oh was me!

More about my 6 mile run tomorrow...let's just say dumping a bottle of water over my head at mile 3 felt awesome!

Looked slightly different after my run :)
I am NOT the one on the left with the buff arms!

On to my rebuttal to Jan's guest blog.  Again I want to say "bless your heart Jan" and you know what that means!  For anyone who doesn't know what it means...look up the definition in Urban Dictionary. I have the feeling you will want to guest blog more often.

First, everyone stop taking me literally.  Just because I need $71.40 per day...doesn't mean you only need to donate $71.40!  In most situations I believe less is more...but not in this one.   The children of RMHC would like $1,000 or should I be really bold and say $10,000 per day!  Any takers?  Jan?

Running like a girl?  Last time I checked I am a girl.  I will try to butch up and run less like a girl in the future :)

About the grim reaper...Hardly!  My "death" comments are about living life.    But, so Jan will stop giving me "feedback" I will put away my sickle for a bit.

Please donate $10,000 (and I might stop blogging!)

PS.  If you didn't receive the daily email update yesterday (I didn't) you can use the link to read Jan's guest blog.  It is short and her!

Your friend Newbie
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Friday, June 15, 2012

If feedback is a gift...then it must be my birthday!

Hello everyone,

My dear friend and marathon inspiration is my 2nd guest blogger.  She is as funny in person as she is in this guest post.  I did not ask ASK her to guest blogger recently...she just decided she NEEDED to today...  Bless your heart Jan :)  If you are from the south you will know what this really means...another new thing I "learned" recently.  Hope you enjoy Jan's post!

Jan's Guest Blog

This is my first time …ever….to guest blog.  So please forgive me if I am not very good at it.  I am Sue’s running friend, Jan.  I asked Sue if I could blog today as a way to attest to the incredible progress she is making.  I think she is very accurate when she talks about how her coach Mary Ann is making such an impact on her.  Today Sue and I decided to run together…but not really “together”.  You see, I am a slow runner.  I am old AND slow!!!!  Sue ran today 4 miles without ever walking….see I am not able to do that.  She was diligent, fast, focused and running like she stole something!!!!  (new phrase that I told her)  (by the way…I am the one that taught her that new word she blogged about a few weeks ago.)

Since I have now attested to her speed and complimented her dedication….can I give a few thoughts on her blogging.  She needs to talk about how her life is so good….I told her today she mentioned dying, death or something like that too often.  She is far from the grim reaper in real life but in blogging….she sounds “dark” sometimes.  So now that I told all of you about it, my bet is she watches what she says…just a little more carefully J

One more thing while I am talking about Sue…..she definitely runs like a girl.  Since I am so much slower than her…I see the rear view of her often.  She does wear very cute outfits….but she runs like a girl!!!!

In honor of me writing about my friend, I will donate the measly daily amount she talks about….IN EVERY BLOG!!!!!!  I will do my part…have all of you ????
Thanks for letting me be part of this.  Hope to hear from others


Newbie's comments

Jan my birthday is July 10th...but thanks for your opinion!   Rebuttal coming tomorrow.  See below for a pic when we were still friends :)

After a run in 85 degree heat!  We are smiling because the run is over!  I am smiling because I just dumped some water on my head :)

Please donate...$71.40 or any measly amount will do!

Your friend Newbie

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