Sunday, October 14, 2012

2012 Chicago Marathon Weekend

Wow!!  What an experience!  I still can't believe I am now a Marathoner!

Thank you to my team.  They started to refer to themselves as Team Sue--love that!  I am a lucky girl to have such great friends and family!

Thank you to all my generous supporters!!!  Together we raised almost $7,000.  And, I had the privilege to be the 5th largest fundraiser out of a team of 458 runners/fundraisers in the RMHC team.  The RMHC team raised over $600,000 and beat their goal. 

The Marathon weekend started with a trip to the expo to pick up my gear, check out the booths and get EXCITED for the race.  One of our first stops was the RMHC booth (of course).  Charles and team were manning the booth and provided signs for the race and last minute words of encouragement to all the runners.

With Charles and Jan at Expo

At the RMHC dinner, Jan spoke to the crowd of over 300 and asked everyone to find a running buddy/new team member for next year.  This way the team would double in size and we would raise over $1 million. Leave it to Jan to inspire the team and set a lofty goal!!!

With Jan and Bree pigging out on brushetta, pasta, salmon and delicious desserts.  Luckily I would be burning off lots of calories the next day.

Slept well (thanks to the modern miracle of Ambien) and set alarm for 4:30 am.  Cynthia, my Half Marathon inspiration and running partner, was meeting me in the lobby at 5:15am.  We had to walk almost a mile to the Charity Village pre-race breakfast.  (I actually did a total of about 29 miles that day)

Low 30's at start time.  I'll take that over 70s and 80s anyday!  Click below to watch a pre-race video.

The crowd was out in full force despite the cool temps and everyone was cheering, drinking Bloody Mary's and playing motivating music.   First 15 miles or so...feeling pretty good...

At Mile 15--ditched my jacket--a decision I will regret later!

Miles 16-20 were getting difficult but the last 6.2 is really a killer!  I was cold, exhausted and wanted to get back to the warmth, food, drinks and fun at the After Party.

I didn't take one photo during the race...but at Mile 25 I was really feeling some pain!  Every step hurt my heels.  I had to stop and take a photo of the damn 25 mile marker.  I was feeling...Are you kidding!  I signed up to run 26.2 miles...who is the idiot who signed me up for this. :)

I am proud to say, I only walked thru the water stops.  I ran until the end...a very slow run the last 6.2 miles... but I was still running. 

Crossed the finish line at 5:28:03.  Yes, I know the exact time and will always remember it.  Not as fast as I wanted but I am still proud I finished and beat almost 7,000 runners.  Not that I am competitive :)

With my dear friend Cynthia crossing finish line.  I am a MARATHONER!!

Seconds after finishing.  I was freezing and exhausted but HAPPY!

The joke I've been making recently...I liked the training, I loved the fundraising, the team spirit and camaraderie was awesome, the pre-race RMHC dinner was a blast, the post race party was unbelievable.... It's the 26.2 mile running part I can do without! :)

Team Sue (Shar, Mark, Doug, Jan and Bree-Danielle not pictured)

My FAVORITE photo.  With Bree at finish.  Still wearing my Bank Of America warming wrap :)

On Sunday night when I could barely walk I swore I would NEVER run a Marathon again.  But when I woke up Monday morning and was feeling a little better I decided...WTF...I will run again next year.  A couple of reasons for my decision... I felt was a great experience...I need to improve my time...and most importantly...I want to run with my dear friend Jan.  She was injured this year and could not run.  Although it was difficult for her to attend all the events, she was there cheering on the team. 

I hope you enjoyed reading about my journey as much as I enjoyed writing about it.  My mission was to fundraise for RMHC and provide some inspiration and a few smiles.  If I made you laugh a few times and inspired you even just a little...I will feel my mission was accomplished.

As my final thought, which has kind of become the motto of this blog...

If I can do it, you can do it, Whatever your IT may be!  What are you waiting for???  GO FOR IT!

I don't like goodbyes (which is probably the reason it took me a week to finish this last post), so I will borrow from Tigger and say TTFN (ta ta for now)

Your friend,


Why I am still signing my blog with Newbie????  Because I will always be a Newbie at something. As long as I push myself to keep growing, I plan to be forever a Newbie.   That is my wish for you too!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

NewbieMarathoner is now a Marathoner!!!

Wow!!!  What an experience!!  More later this week...

After 26.2 Miles!!

With my best supporter and awesome daughter Bree
Your friend Newbie (actually not a Newbie anymore :) )

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thank you Coach Mary Ann!

If you started reading my blog back in June, you will know I hired a coach to train me for my first Marathon.  I was anxious about the Marathon and questioned why on I earth I signed up.  I didn't want to risk injury or death on the course!   I thought Coach MA would help me with tips, a training schedule and some motivation.  But Coach Mary Ann provided so much MORE!

She is an inspiration!!  Mary Ann is a two time IronMan (or as I like to say IronWoman and badass), a mother of 5 and one of the most genuine people I have ever met.

Although most of my training was virtual, she constantly inspired me and pushed me to do more. Over the course of my training we became great friends.  We actually spent more in-person time having fun, drinking wine, going to concerts, and most recently dancing up a storm at a friend's party.

My wonderful college buddy Mark W hosted his annual "Chillaxin into Fall" party and Mary Ann and her partner/fellow coach Rick were my "dates".  Thank you Mark for hosting an outstanding party!  I am glad after seven years I FINALLY attended.

She looks sweet but is really tough when she is coaching!

Despite becoming great friends, Mary Ann is completely serious when it comes to coaching.  She is all business when coaching and her devotion and passion is evident to anyone who spends time with her.  (and she just loves when I interupt her coaching to stop and take a photo! )

She also "coached" me on her thoughts of living life with INTENT.  Which also happens to be the name of her company.

Coach Mary Ann and Coach Rick

Contact Mary Ann at

I believe people come into our life for a reason, and I am truly thankful Mary Ann came into my life.  Running a Marathon is about teaching your legs to endure long runs but it is much more mental than physical.  With Mary Ann's coaching, I am ready... Body, Mind and Soul to RUN A MARATHON!!!  I still can't believe I am actually running a Marathon on Sunday.  But I am READY! 

If I can do can do it...whatever your IT may be!

Posting is the last thing I am doing before I head out to the Marathon.  Woohoo!!!

Your friend Newbie,

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fellow Flowers--Believe, Achieve, Bloom, Endure

You never know when or where you will meet interesting people!!  Jan and I attended the Chicago Half Marathon Expo a few weeks ago.  As we were exploring the booths I came across a colorful booth with two dynamic women chatting with fellow runners.

I learned they created a group called Fellow Flowers. 

Their mission: Friendship + Running = Transformation.
A dream becomes a goal when you say it out loud. It becomes a plan when you write it down. It becomes your Anthem when you embody it and accept its presence as your destiny.
Bloom, baby. Bloom.

They wear flowers in their hair as a reminder of their mission.

Jan and Newbie with the founders of Fellow Flowers

They have a rainbow of colors to choose from for your flower.  I choose Red. 

"Red=Love, Passion, Commitment and Spirit.  Caring for the world around you.  Bringing it-every damn day.  It takes STRENGTH to do what you love."

This is so me!  At least the ME I strive to be :) 

Check out their website for inspiration and more information.

My training is complete.  My last run on Friday was a  mere 4 miles.  I am ready!!!  I little nervous but ready!  It's good to be a little nervous, tells you that you are alive and still growing!

Acting silly before my last training run
Thank you to all my family and friends for the phone calls, texts and emails today.  It really touched my heart.  I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.
And thank you to all my donors!  I've reached $6,258 toward my $10,000 goal.  Saturday is the last day for donations.  If you haven't already please donate TODAY.  The children and families of Ronald McDonald House need your help.  YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TODAY.

Your friend Newbie,


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Guest blog from my great friend Philip...and Newbie 5Ker

My good friend/work colleague and I had lunch a few weeks ago.  We were discussing happiness.  I always enjoy our conversations since Philip has a unique POV.  He was born in Nigeria and has a  "Midwestern" accent.  That is how he describes it...very funny!

According to Philip

Happiness is "Happen-ness".  Things happen, we are happy, things happen/don't happen we are unhappy. In other words, we react to things 'happening" to us.

Being Joyous is a state of remaining positive, whether things happen or not - because we know it all works for good and because we know "Happen-ness" is temporary.

Relevant quotes provided by Philip:

·        Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. — Henri Nouwen

·        The happiest people don't worry too much about whether life is fair or not, they just get on with it. - Andrew Matthews

By the way, Philip describes himself as joyous.  And if you knew Philip I'm sure you would agree, as his wife, daughter and many friends must agree.

Philip enjoying a boat cruise with his family

Slightly off topic but, one of Charles favorite quotes (he said he saw this on the side of a CTA bus). 

"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space."

Love this quote and Jan and I often joke about it. :)

Your friend Newbie

The marathon is less than a week away.  With your generous support I've raised a little over $6k.  Thank you to all my wonderful, awesome, caring donors!!!  And if you haven't donate yet--No time like the present.  Please donate today.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Marathoning... the triumph of desire over reason

The Marathon is one week and one day away!!! 

I mistakenly quoted the wrong stats in one of my earlier posts.  It really was a mistake...not like Paul Ryan and his false Marathon time. :)

120 training sessions-run/bike/swim/strength (not 150 as previously stated)
107 total hours
583 miles run/bike
Over 34,000 calories burned (which is really funny because I actually GAINED weight while training--and no I don't think it's "muscle weight" :) )

Just a mere 5 mile and 6 mile run next week...actually I was hoping for shorter distances but as I said before my Coach is a badass :)

I've trained a total of 107 hours for a 5 hour race. Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!!!

Will I do it again??? Not sure :) Ask me a few months AFTER the marathon :)

I started writing this blog and named it NewbieMarathoner a few months ago.  I felt like a 46 year old newbie when I started blogging...but after my 20 mile run...don't feel much like a newbie anymore!

See below for before and after photos :)

One of my first training runs.  It was HOT and Humid!! I was tired!!

Minutes before my 20 and collected...and slightly nervous :)

Still don't really consider myself an athlete or a runner.  Which I know is probably odd considering I will be running a Marathon in a week.  If I am an athlete, as coach Mary Ann always says, I am an "accidental athlete".  I never read the book "Accidental Athlete" but it probably describes me. 

46 year old who didn't run a step until 40 :)  Now running a Marathon--I guess anything is possible!!!  I will keep saying it...If I can do it...You can do it...whatever your IT may be!

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Anais Nin

Please donate...Only 7 days left to help the children and families of RMHC.  Isn't it worth a few minutes of your time???

Your friend Newbie


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A little late in the game...

Actually a little late in my training but I finally went to a run form clinic!  It was a good experience and luckily my "run form" is good enough.  I don't want to make any changes with the marathon a little over a week away.

We learned how to use the foam roller to hit our trouble spots.  Code for...use the roller until you find a spot that really hurts and then keep using it to cause more pain!!!   The phrase NO PAIN NO GAIN comes to mind :)

Today's clinic learning keeps with my current theme of pushing past the pain...NO REGRETS later...use the roller to find the pain and "roll" through it.  Feel the "pain" during a long run and push through it.  It might sound masochistic but the "pain" needs to be pushed through to move forward and achieve your goals!

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Anais Nin

PS.  It's really interesting, I am starting to meet people who have read my blog before actually meeting me.   So 2012 :)  Thanks to social media we know so much about people before we even met them.  Not sure that is a good thing :)

Please donate!  Do I need to remind you again...ONLY 10 days until Marathon and blog farewell :)

Your friend Newbie


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Turning Impossible Into Inevitable

I borrowed the title from a RMHC team blog written by Coach Brendan.  I thought there were only 150 runners but recently learned Team RMHC is 458 runners strong.  How exciting to be part a group that is not only training for the marathon but focusing some of their energy and passion on fundraising.

When I signed up for the Marathon...I kept thinking...what am I thinking!  It is surely impossible!  But after almost 20 weeks of training...and with my mind, body and heart committed to this goal...I AM turning the Impossible into the Inevitable!  And as I always say...if I can do can do it...whatever your IT may be.  Go for it!  You will not regret it!

In less than two weeks I'll be standing at the START of the 2012 Bank of America Chicago Marathon, and I'd be MOST grateful to have your support as I run for a purpose greater than myself--for the purpose of helping the children and families served by Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Please take a few minutes out of your busy day to watch the video "the house that love built".  It is a short reminder of how lucky we all are and how some are not as fortunate.   You can make a difference in the life a child today!  

Shave a few minutes off your lunch, skip reviewing the sports scores or watching the popular Utube video and take that time to donate instead.  I'm giving back in the small way that I can and I ask you to please do the same.

The house that love built

Please donate, 11 days until Marathon and blog farewell...

Your friend Newbie

Guest post from my super awesome and badass coach Mary Ann

First I would like to say, Mary Ann was not paid, cajoled or coerced into writing this guest post.  You will know why I am writing a disclaimer after you read it :)  I asked her a while back and SHE emailed me recently and said "I want to write a guest post-I have alot to say"

Hope you enjoy!

Coach Mary Ann's guest blog

Coach MA here! Guest Blogging for my awesome athlete Sue!

I am so very honored and happy to have this opportunity to write a blog for Sue so that I can finally defend myself in light of all of the times that Sue has referred to me as a “ball buster!”


The truth is that I am thrilled to write this blog because I can offer a new perspective to Sue’s amazing journey – the perspective of the Coach - the one watching Sue, supporting Sue and helping her to achieve her goal of running her first marathon.

As a Coach, you are often asked to help people achieve new and great things. It is one of the best parts of my work and I love being the base of information, motivation, and accountability that launches people on their way.  The hard part is that many times people want to take on something like running a marathon but when the reality of the work comes they back down. Athletes find all sorts of excuses, they try to hide (I have had clients literally fall off the face of the earth!), or they just flat out quit.  Training on a consistent basis is not easy and sticking to a plan with a Coach watching your every move, looking at your Garmin data from your runs, asking tough questions and keeping you on task makes it even harder. Signing up to run your first marathon is a daring move, telling people that you are running is even more brave, writing about your personal experience in a blog is even more courageous and hiring a coach that will be an additional point of accountability puts it all on the line.

Sue has proven to be every level of courage. She has joyfully put herself out in public to share her story of running her first marathon. She has stuck with having me as her coach even when I had to keep her on task and when I have had to remind her to stay focused on the goal and what it takes to get there.

Her journey has been one of steps, both literally on the roads as she ran and figuratively for  Sue as a person. She started with a great deal of desire and “want” but just a basic understanding of what it would take to get her body strong enough to run a marathon. As the hard moments showed up on the road, I was able to point out to Sue when she needed to keep going even if it was tough and Sue kept on going.  She is strong and capable of running this marathon. That is a wonderful accomplishment. Sue is ready!

The other part of her journey is been an even bigger accomplishment for Sue.  What many people won’t take on is the mental and personal side of training.  When training gets hard they often won’t take a good hard look at themselves; they won’t answer the tough questions like “Why do I want to quit? What am I afraid of? How can I work harder or be more disciplined?” Sue has been brave and looked deep into herself as she has trained for this marathon. She has faced her fears, changed her lifestyle, let everyone know that she is taking on this task and that requires courage and tenacity.

I am deeply honored to be a part of Sue’s journey as she runs her first marathon.  I have loved every minute of coaching her and getting to know her as a woman and an athlete.  It is a joy to have met her family, her friends and to share a glass of wine (or two) with her on occasion.   She is a woman of strength, capacity for joy and now….she is an endurance athlete.

As you all know from this blog, Sue has also taken on the task of raising money for the Ronald McDonald House charity.  The kids and families that this charity helps are on their own journey of endurance. Imagine the faith and strength it takes to endure living with an illness – please consider helping Sue to meet her goal.  Donate today.


In addition, Sue has asked for me to include my personal contact information and information about my coaching company, INTENT Inc.   If you are interested in getting into shape, losing weight, or maybe running your first marathon, contact me at  My coaching company is designed to support athletes of all levels by providing high quality training programs, nutrition coaching and the motivation and inspiration that they need to succeed. The company is called INTENT because we want athletes to know why they do what they do. What is the INTENT behind each workout? We want athletes to know why they have to run long endurance runs, why they have to strength train, and ultimately why they chose to do any of this. We off the opportunity to train, race, and LIVE with INTENT!


With coach MA at Springsteen...and YES I ran the next morning :)
Thanks Coach MA! You are too kind!  You helped me turn the impossible into the inevitable!!(foreshadowing for a future post)

I would not have trained this hard without your guidance, encouragement...and sometimes your "ball busting" :)

On to another quick topic:

If you are or have ever been a Prince fan his show is spectacular!  Two more days to see him in Chicago at the United Center.  When my wonderful old college chum Mark W texted me and said he had an extra ticket to Prince, I hesitated.  Drive to United Center by myself on a Monday night?  Prince started his concert around the time I've been going to sleep this summer.  But it was worth it!! Luckily my super nice Coach scheduled an easy day for me today :)

No cameras were allowed!  So I had to sneak a few photos :)

Please donate only 12 days until Marathon and blog farewell....

Your friend Newbie (and Coach MA)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Last minute change of plans...

As often happens in life I had change of plans...  I was planning to wake up at 415am for the Fort to Base Race but had a change of plans.  Luckily my plans changed before I had to wake up at 415am!

I didn't run the Fort to Base race but I still ran my 11.5 miles on Sunday.  I can't believe an 11.5 mile run is considered a "Taper" run.  Didn't feel like a taper at about 10 mile!

But it was a beautiful day for a run.  Cool (almost cold at 7:30am) and sunny.  All summer I was like a vampire avoiding the sun but today I was searching it out.  When I wasn't in the sun it was COLD.

I had a good run and with my coach's voice inside my head, I "emptied the tank" on my last few miles.  I really pushed the last few miles...endure some temporary regrets later!

It was windy at the lake but not too windy.  The waves on Lake Michigan were incredible!  I had to stop at Mile 8 to enjoy the scenery...and of course take a video!  Hope you enjoy the majestic beauty.  Reminds me of the Bucket List movie.  "See something majestic" was on the list.  I've seen the lake many times but the raw power of the waves was incredible today and I believe it could qualify as majestic.

Click here for video...I don't think it works on iphones...Sorry!!!

Please donate...Less than 2 weeks until marathon and blog farewell!  I've enjoyed posting and I hope you enjoyed reading.  I really had no idea how to write a blog or what to write about when I started but I am happy I took a chance and tried it. 

Your friend Newbie

Saturday, September 22, 2012

2 weeks and counting!

Running my last official race before the Marathon.  Waking up at 415 am for a 7am start of the Fort to Base Race.

It is the second annual race at Great Lakes Naval Station and Fort Sheridan.  I haven't visited either place so it should be FUN!! (except the getting up at 4:15 am part)!  Just a mere 11.5 miles for this race.  Piece of cake compared to last week's 20 mile run.  :)

It will be 38 degrees at race start so this time I am wearing my cold weather gear and a hat/gloves.  Huge change from my training gear this summer and even last week!

From the time I started keeping track on Friday May 11, I've logged:

  • 150 workouts (bike, run, strength/pilates),
  • 620 total miles of run/bike!

The Marathon seems so close yet so far away. I feel like I have been training FOREVER! I will enjoy a little less structure to my running schedule but I will miss the training too.  Never thought I would say that!!

I should be sleeping but I am blogging because I volunteered for post homecoming pick up.  What was I thinking!

This picture has nothing to do with running or my training but since homecoming is the reason I am blogging when I should be sleeping...I thought I would include it.

Race update tomorrow...

Please donate :)  Fundraising total is approaching $6,000.  But only 14 days, Yes 14 days til Marathon and blog farewell.  Please take a few minutes and donate today.  The children of RMHC really need your donations!  You can make a difference in the life of a child today.

Your friend Newbie

Friday, September 21, 2012

My RMHC Guest Blog

Charles (the RMHC inspirational Marathon team leader) asked me to write a guest blog for the RMHC blog weeks ago.  Well....I finally wrote it and decided to post it on my blog too.  Happy reading!  And Happy Friday!!

When Charles first asked me to write a guest blog, I hesitated and procrastinated.  My story really wasn't that special compared to the other ones I've read.

I am not runner who as a child benefited from RMHC
I am not a seventy year old woman running my first marathon
I am not a wheelchair racer

They are true heros!
But then I thought my story is inspiring too.  I'm 46 year old woman who took up running late in life. I didn't run one step until after I turn 40!  I ran my first half marathon at 44 and now almost a year and a half later I am running my first marathon.  I was inspired by a few close friends.  Cynthia motivated and mentored me for my first Half Marathon and Jan convinced me I could run a full Marathon.  

When people ask me: So WHY are you running your first Marathon at 46 years old and setting a lofty $10,000 fundraising goal for RMHC??

I usually make a joke...Why not?  I'm not getting any younger!

But, the real reason is because I can and I should.  I am helping in the way I can.  It might be small but it's still very important.  Every dollar I receive in donations helps.
Helps the children in need
Helps the families in need
Helps them overcome some of their struggles

I am blessed with two healthy children and I am thankful for them and their health.  When my son Will was a newborn he spent a week in intensive care.  My daughter Gabrielle recently had major dental surgery and was put under general anesthesia.   Both experiences were scary for me and made my heart ache. 
I can empathize with the families of RMHC, but it's minor in comparison to the challenges the children of RMHC are facing everyday.

I am following through on my commitment to the Marathon and fundraising mercilessly.  Anyone who works with me or has to interact with me regularly knows this very well!

I'm running and raising money for those who can't because I can!

Minutes after finishing my first 20 mile run
Your friend Newbie,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

20 Mile Run- Part 2

I didn't include any of the details of my run so I thought I should include them in my second post. 

As I said, I ran 20 miles in 3:56!   For anyone who is not Rain Man and doesn't have a calculator handy...that is an 11:47 pace. :)  Slower than I had intended but I'm still happy with it.

The first mile I ran with the 11 min pace coach always warns me to start slow so I lagged behind knowing the next group behind me was also an 11 min pace group.

To pass the time, I was hoping to find a running buddy.  As luck would have it I found Dave.  We spent over 3 hours ( mile 3-15) talking about our children, jobs, running, and politics.  It was a great way to pass the time. 

The first couple of miles were easy but the middle miles were quite tedious. It was sunny, there were a couple of hills (OK small inclines but they felt like hills after running 2-3 hours!) and generally a fatigue develops after running for such a long time.

But we kept with overall pace was slower than I wanted because a few of the middle miles...the tedious ones...we took a little too much time at the water stations...

At Mile 16 Dave met up with his running buddy who was having a difficult time.  So we decided to part company and I pushed ahead.  I only know Dave's first name so I hope to "run" across him again at the Marathon to thank him for keeping me company for 3 hours.

With 4 miles left, I was determined to make up some time.  I pulled the visor down on my hat, cranked up the tunes (some cheesy Shaina Twain) and ran my ass off.  OK, not really, but as much running my ass off as I could muster after 3 hours of running and being HOT and TIRED and SWEATY :)

Mile 17...
Mile 18...
Mile 19...

OMG...when will this end????  Damn!  Where the heck (I might have used another word) is Jackson Park anyway??? 

It seemed 20 mile was ALWAYS just a little further...

Then I thought about the article I read recently...push thru the temporary pain...don't have any regrets....FINISH STRONG.

Finally the FINISH LINE was in site...people lining it...clapping and cheering...

I DID IT!!!  I RAN 20 MILES!!! 

I did not crawl across the finish line...I ran last 4 miles were as fast as my first (11 ish)  Wooo Hooo!!!!

There was nothing miraculous about what I did that just took training, patience and passion. 

Marathon here I come!!!  :)

As always...if I can do it...YOU CAN DO IT...whatever your IT may be :)

Yeah!!  My toenails are still intact :)  They might look black but it's just purple polish :)

At finish line!  The 2 fingers are for 20 miles...not peace or my children thought :)



Please donate...time is running out...the children and families of RMHC need your help.  Every dollar makes a difference...YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TODAY

Your friend Newbie,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My first 20 mile run :)

I can't believe I am typing this...I ran 20 Miles on Sunday!!!!  The farthest I have ever run before Sunday was a mere 16 miles a few weeks ago.  It might not seem like a big jump...just 4 more miles...but it IS.  Running the 4 extra miles took about 45 minutes.  Running (no walking) for 45 minutes was a huge step for me just a few weeks ago.

Adding the next 6.2 to the 20 I ran will take a little over an hour.  Again, running an hour straight was an accomplishment at the start of my training.

With my coach's voice inside my head...That's it...YOU CAN DO IT!  I finished in 3:56 :)  I had a few SLOW miles but most were in the 11-11:15 min ish pace.  Yeah!  I feel confident I can add 6.2 more in a little less than 3 weeks.

Some photos of my run....

Hoping for a good run!  Confident but slightly anxious.

Mile 4ish...feeling good!  cool weather helps!
Mile 9--woo hoo!
Close to finishing.  I am tired and HOT!  But happy I ran the entire way and will RUN across the finish line :)

So with less than 3 weeks until the BIG DAY, our RMHC coach Charles recommends being careful until race day.  For me that mean,  no bike accidents, trips and falls and No skydiving! Sky diving is on my list, but it can wait. Mostly because I am terrified of the idea!
A few final photos and thoughts coming....

Please donate :)

Your friend Newbie

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Push through some pain?

I wrote most of this post before my 20 mile run but didn't get a chance to finish it.  So, I am posting it now and my 20 mile update and more photos will have to wait until tomorrow.  Stay tuned....

I started receiving a subscription to Runner's World Magazine.  I think it was free with my Chicago Area Runner's Association membership.  I still don't consider myself enough of a runner to subscribe to a running magazine. But since it arrives in my mailbox, I might as well read it.  :)  An article titled "Risk Management" caught my eye.

Many ideas were mentioned but the one that really struck me was....runners always relive a race in their mind and think about where they could have done better.  I haven't done this yet because until the Half Marathon last week, I never really pushed myself.

The article said, during a race expect some discomfort and pain.  If you expect it, you can work through it and push past it.  The point of the story was to push to reach your Personal Record.  Isn't it worth a little temporary pain and discomfort to reach a PR????  Don't take the easy route and look back and regret it later.  Bare the temporary discomfort so you know you did your best and will not have any regrets. 

I read the article in the morning and then headed out for my last run before the 20 miler.  As always...I contemplate life while I run...and sometimes I think about my to do list :)

I thought...isn't that true in life too?  Isn't it worth it to push through some temporary pain for some long term gain???  Often we are stuck in EASY and afraid the temporary pain might not be temporary or it is easier not to deal with the pain. 

With this in mind, I will expect some discomfort for my 20 mile run on Sunday.  I will push thru some temporary pain to stay with my 11 min pace group.  If I can run 20 miles at an 11 min pace I will be golden for reaching my 4:55 goal.  Unless FATE has another plan :)  I started to write a FATE post but haven't finished yet...stay tuned.
Coach MA called to give me a pep talk for the 20 Mile run.  She is an awesome coach and I attribute my change in attitude completely to her.  Because of her, I am also confident I can push for a 11 min pace for the Marathon. 

She is a good influence on me and I return the favor by being a bad influence on her.  Drinking and having fun at the Bruce Springsteen concert.
I came across some demos ( for marathoners.  As I researcher I am fascinated by this info.  I was pleasantly surprised my 4:55 goal will actually be slightly faster than the average time.  Yeah!  I thought I would be at the bottom of the pack :)  But I have to say, I have never been happy with such a LOW goal before... It's like being happy with a  B- :)  I'm more like an A- type person but for a Newbiemarathoner I can definitely be happy with a B-
2005 Overall Demographics
Percent Avg.
Men 60.0% 40.5 4:32:08
Women 40.0% 36.1 5:06:08
All Runners 100.0% 38.7 4:45:47

2005 Age Group Breakdown
AgeGroup Avg. Time Percent
M0-19 5:04:39 1.17%
M20-24 4:22:21 3.10%
M25-29 4:24:42 6.03%
M30-34 4:25:28 8.14%
M35-39 4:22:45 9.72%
M40-44 4:21:46 9.83%
M45-49 4:26:23 8.37%
M50-54 4:37:25 6.22%
M55-59 4:49:04 3.82%
M60+ 5:13:32 2.96%
F0-19 5:46:58 0.86%
F20-24 4:52:38 4.12%
F25-29 4:54:45 7.49%
F30-34 4:58:18 6.82%
F35-39 4:55:37 6.59%
F40-44 4:59:01 6.13%
F45-49 5:11:46 4.20%
F50-54 5:31:03 2.58%
F55-59 5:48:39 1.17%
F60+ 6:08:12 0.68%

Friday, September 14, 2012

Guest blog from my awesome friend Gail

Thank you Gail for writing such an inspiring blog!  I added a few words to the end of this post but the rest is written by Gail.  Enjoy!

Gail's Guest Blog
For weeks and weeks and weeks and…well, you get the point, of Sue kindly suggested I submit a guest blog.  Overall, I was resisting the request because I truly felt like I had nothing to say to you, her blog followers.   Yes..I was inspired to start running by Sue.  More because she talked about herself as a non-runner or run-walker that decided she could push herself further than because I have some burning desire to run a marathon (I do NOT!).    I thought…who really gives a damn about a random mom from Iowa that is busting out of her jeans and needs to get her fat ass running??? 

However, a conversation Sue and I had the other day triggered a thought.  I decided to share why I decided to donate (twice) to Sue’s fundraising effort. 

I am a mother of 4 beautiful children – Jack (14), Caroline (11), Jane (8), and Matthew (6).  These 4 blessings drive me absolutely bonkers many, many days.  They argue with each other, don’t pick up their stuff, and complain about chores…typical kids.  They are, however, HEALTHY.  My husband, Gary and I have been blessed with 4 beautiful, healthy children. 

But, Gary and I are not special.  Our children are healthy by the grace of God and luck of the draw. 

When my children are sick, I am the one they want by their side…Gary is a very close second. J  They are just like all the other children in this world that simply want their parents when they aren’t feeling well.

It makes my stomach turn to think of one of my children seriously sick and in the hospital.  I know Gary and I would keep watch over them 24/7…taking turns tending to kids at home and our sick baby.  We both have good jobs, so if needed, we would travel to the best hospitals, staying in hotels nearby, so we could always be close by.   I would refuse to leave my sick, suffering child alone in a strange city without their parents.  

Then I think…what if I had no choice? What if, the best care was hundreds of miles away and we couldn’t afford a hotel? What if we couldn’t afford to drive back and forth 120 miles each day for my beautiful child’s chemotherapy treatments?  Now THAT, really makes my stomach turn.

The reality is that this is EXACTLY what hundreds of families face every day.  The agonizing thought of necessary treatments to save their child’s life, but the inability to afford the logistics to be there for them.  Can you imagine that?  What mother or father could survive the thought of their child going through a spinal tap procedure without being there to hold their hand or snuggle them afterwards?

Here’s where The Ronald McDonald House Charity comes in!  Their website describes better than I can, what they do…..

Ronald McDonald House program provides a “home-away-from-home” for families so they can stay close by their hospitalized child at little or no cost.  Our Houses are built on the simple idea that nothing else should matter when a family is focused on healing their child – not where they can afford to stay, where they will get their next meal or where they will lay their head at night to rest. We believe that when a child is hospitalized the love and support of family is as powerful as the strongest medicine prescribed.

You can go to  to read personal stories from families that benefited from Ronald McDonald House.

I donated on Sue’s behalf, not only because she is a friend, but because I am a parent.  I can’t image any parent not understanding the profound impact an organization like Ronald McDonald House Charities would have on a family that needed it.  How much would a nice dinner out celebrating the blessing in your life cost..$50, $75, $100, $200?  How about donating that amount to RMHC and staying home to snuggle those healthy, beautiful, pain-in-the neck kiddos?

AAANNNDDDD…. Because Sue’s blog is never complete without a shout out to running….  I give a big thumbs up to the program called “Couch to 5K”.  The program will get you from a lazy ass to 5K runner in 8 weeks.  You gradually increase the amount of running and decrease the amount of walking each week.  I’m at the end of week 4....alternating running 5 min/walking 90 secs.  Next week....running 2 miles with no walking.  AAAAHHHH!  Their free app , “C25K”, is awesome.  It “talks” to you…telling you when to run and when to walk.  It even talks over music.   I’m scheduled for my first 5K on Oct 6!


Thank you again Gail!!! 

20 mile run on Sunday!  I am nervous but also know I can do it.  I ran the 1/2 marathon at an 11:03 pace so I am GOING FOR IT and will run the 20 miler with the 11:00 minute pace group.  I have never run with a pace group and they will all be strangers to me.  I feel like a kid at the first day of kindergarten...I'm a little nervous...not sure I will fit in...and don't know what to expect.  The longest I have EVER run is 16 miles.    If I finish the 20 miler well, I will be more confident I can run 26.2 miles in a mere 3 weeks!

Wish me luck!!!  I hope I don't trip :)

Your friend Newbie

Please donate…it only takes a few minutes (I PROMISE) and the children of RMHC need your help. Current total is $5,508 with a $10,000 goal...only 22!!! more days until the Marathon and blog farewell
Link to my blog

Link directly to donation page