Friday, October 5, 2012

Fellow Flowers--Believe, Achieve, Bloom, Endure

You never know when or where you will meet interesting people!!  Jan and I attended the Chicago Half Marathon Expo a few weeks ago.  As we were exploring the booths I came across a colorful booth with two dynamic women chatting with fellow runners.

I learned they created a group called Fellow Flowers. 

Their mission: Friendship + Running = Transformation.
A dream becomes a goal when you say it out loud. It becomes a plan when you write it down. It becomes your Anthem when you embody it and accept its presence as your destiny.
Bloom, baby. Bloom.

They wear flowers in their hair as a reminder of their mission.

Jan and Newbie with the founders of Fellow Flowers

They have a rainbow of colors to choose from for your flower.  I choose Red. 

"Red=Love, Passion, Commitment and Spirit.  Caring for the world around you.  Bringing it-every damn day.  It takes STRENGTH to do what you love."

This is so me!  At least the ME I strive to be :) 

Check out their website for inspiration and more information.

My training is complete.  My last run on Friday was a  mere 4 miles.  I am ready!!!  I little nervous but ready!  It's good to be a little nervous, tells you that you are alive and still growing!

Acting silly before my last training run
Thank you to all my family and friends for the phone calls, texts and emails today.  It really touched my heart.  I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.
And thank you to all my donors!  I've reached $6,258 toward my $10,000 goal.  Saturday is the last day for donations.  If you haven't already please donate TODAY.  The children and families of Ronald McDonald House need your help.  YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TODAY.

Your friend Newbie,


1 comment:

  1. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!!!! You will do great! Looking forward to the recap :)
