Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Its''s pouring...this newbiemarathoner is not snoring :)

I love a good storm!

I woke up this morning at 5:15 to get in my scheduled run before taking Bree to school this morning. I was all dressed and ready to go when I noticed the sky darkening and lightening.  Yikes!  I can't go in this weather....

Then I thought...what is a little rain...I'm not made of sugar :) (something I say to Bree when she complains about the rain)

During my training I've run in many unpleasant conditions

Blazing sun and heat

Humidity that makes you feel like you are running through pudding

Hilly and buggy terrain

OK...I should stop whining...I did have a few decent days too :)

Like my friend Susan said to me long ago when I was complaining about bad's only weather...  Labelling it bad or good is just a mindset :)

And as my coach has told me many times...'stop commenting on the weather!  Your legs can run the same no matter what the weather!  It might be more uncomfortable for you...but your legs still work the same'

So true!

I love hearing other people POV on things and I ususally ponder them and decide if I this case I do.

Not really related but reminds me of something Bree once said to me. "Those who mind don't matter...and those who matter don't mind."  Very deep for a 15 year old!  I know she heard it somewhere but that she retained it and made it part of her mindset is amazing.  And...the fact that she needed to remind her mother of that is...well I'm not sure what that says about me...I guess we all need a little positive motivation sometimes...

So with all this in mind, I decided today I will run in the rain :)  I will put on my LuLulemon raincoat and don my trusty hat and be off.  I'm sure I will be soaked by the time I return home but I have to adapt to all conditions to run a marathon.

Just like life, you never know what the day will bring...

I don't know what the future will bring..

I don't know what the weather will be like on Marathon Day :)

Your friend Newbie

PS.  I am writing this post for the first time using my ipad and my wireless keyboard.  Forgive any typos.  I need to figure out how to use this set up and I don't time today :)

With that in mind (

1 comment:

  1. Great job getting out there in the rain!! Something many people (myself included!) often struggle to do :) This is the stuff that will help you ROCK Chicago!
