Sunday, October 14, 2012

2012 Chicago Marathon Weekend

Wow!!  What an experience!  I still can't believe I am now a Marathoner!

Thank you to my team.  They started to refer to themselves as Team Sue--love that!  I am a lucky girl to have such great friends and family!

Thank you to all my generous supporters!!!  Together we raised almost $7,000.  And, I had the privilege to be the 5th largest fundraiser out of a team of 458 runners/fundraisers in the RMHC team.  The RMHC team raised over $600,000 and beat their goal. 

The Marathon weekend started with a trip to the expo to pick up my gear, check out the booths and get EXCITED for the race.  One of our first stops was the RMHC booth (of course).  Charles and team were manning the booth and provided signs for the race and last minute words of encouragement to all the runners.

With Charles and Jan at Expo

At the RMHC dinner, Jan spoke to the crowd of over 300 and asked everyone to find a running buddy/new team member for next year.  This way the team would double in size and we would raise over $1 million. Leave it to Jan to inspire the team and set a lofty goal!!!

With Jan and Bree pigging out on brushetta, pasta, salmon and delicious desserts.  Luckily I would be burning off lots of calories the next day.

Slept well (thanks to the modern miracle of Ambien) and set alarm for 4:30 am.  Cynthia, my Half Marathon inspiration and running partner, was meeting me in the lobby at 5:15am.  We had to walk almost a mile to the Charity Village pre-race breakfast.  (I actually did a total of about 29 miles that day)

Low 30's at start time.  I'll take that over 70s and 80s anyday!  Click below to watch a pre-race video.

The crowd was out in full force despite the cool temps and everyone was cheering, drinking Bloody Mary's and playing motivating music.   First 15 miles or so...feeling pretty good...

At Mile 15--ditched my jacket--a decision I will regret later!

Miles 16-20 were getting difficult but the last 6.2 is really a killer!  I was cold, exhausted and wanted to get back to the warmth, food, drinks and fun at the After Party.

I didn't take one photo during the race...but at Mile 25 I was really feeling some pain!  Every step hurt my heels.  I had to stop and take a photo of the damn 25 mile marker.  I was feeling...Are you kidding!  I signed up to run 26.2 miles...who is the idiot who signed me up for this. :)

I am proud to say, I only walked thru the water stops.  I ran until the end...a very slow run the last 6.2 miles... but I was still running. 

Crossed the finish line at 5:28:03.  Yes, I know the exact time and will always remember it.  Not as fast as I wanted but I am still proud I finished and beat almost 7,000 runners.  Not that I am competitive :)

With my dear friend Cynthia crossing finish line.  I am a MARATHONER!!

Seconds after finishing.  I was freezing and exhausted but HAPPY!

The joke I've been making recently...I liked the training, I loved the fundraising, the team spirit and camaraderie was awesome, the pre-race RMHC dinner was a blast, the post race party was unbelievable.... It's the 26.2 mile running part I can do without! :)

Team Sue (Shar, Mark, Doug, Jan and Bree-Danielle not pictured)

My FAVORITE photo.  With Bree at finish.  Still wearing my Bank Of America warming wrap :)

On Sunday night when I could barely walk I swore I would NEVER run a Marathon again.  But when I woke up Monday morning and was feeling a little better I decided...WTF...I will run again next year.  A couple of reasons for my decision... I felt was a great experience...I need to improve my time...and most importantly...I want to run with my dear friend Jan.  She was injured this year and could not run.  Although it was difficult for her to attend all the events, she was there cheering on the team. 

I hope you enjoyed reading about my journey as much as I enjoyed writing about it.  My mission was to fundraise for RMHC and provide some inspiration and a few smiles.  If I made you laugh a few times and inspired you even just a little...I will feel my mission was accomplished.

As my final thought, which has kind of become the motto of this blog...

If I can do it, you can do it, Whatever your IT may be!  What are you waiting for???  GO FOR IT!

I don't like goodbyes (which is probably the reason it took me a week to finish this last post), so I will borrow from Tigger and say TTFN (ta ta for now)

Your friend,


Why I am still signing my blog with Newbie????  Because I will always be a Newbie at something. As long as I push myself to keep growing, I plan to be forever a Newbie.   That is my wish for you too!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

NewbieMarathoner is now a Marathoner!!!

Wow!!!  What an experience!!  More later this week...

After 26.2 Miles!!

With my best supporter and awesome daughter Bree
Your friend Newbie (actually not a Newbie anymore :) )

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thank you Coach Mary Ann!

If you started reading my blog back in June, you will know I hired a coach to train me for my first Marathon.  I was anxious about the Marathon and questioned why on I earth I signed up.  I didn't want to risk injury or death on the course!   I thought Coach MA would help me with tips, a training schedule and some motivation.  But Coach Mary Ann provided so much MORE!

She is an inspiration!!  Mary Ann is a two time IronMan (or as I like to say IronWoman and badass), a mother of 5 and one of the most genuine people I have ever met.

Although most of my training was virtual, she constantly inspired me and pushed me to do more. Over the course of my training we became great friends.  We actually spent more in-person time having fun, drinking wine, going to concerts, and most recently dancing up a storm at a friend's party.

My wonderful college buddy Mark W hosted his annual "Chillaxin into Fall" party and Mary Ann and her partner/fellow coach Rick were my "dates".  Thank you Mark for hosting an outstanding party!  I am glad after seven years I FINALLY attended.

She looks sweet but is really tough when she is coaching!

Despite becoming great friends, Mary Ann is completely serious when it comes to coaching.  She is all business when coaching and her devotion and passion is evident to anyone who spends time with her.  (and she just loves when I interupt her coaching to stop and take a photo! )

She also "coached" me on her thoughts of living life with INTENT.  Which also happens to be the name of her company.

Coach Mary Ann and Coach Rick

Contact Mary Ann at

I believe people come into our life for a reason, and I am truly thankful Mary Ann came into my life.  Running a Marathon is about teaching your legs to endure long runs but it is much more mental than physical.  With Mary Ann's coaching, I am ready... Body, Mind and Soul to RUN A MARATHON!!!  I still can't believe I am actually running a Marathon on Sunday.  But I am READY! 

If I can do can do it...whatever your IT may be!

Posting is the last thing I am doing before I head out to the Marathon.  Woohoo!!!

Your friend Newbie,

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fellow Flowers--Believe, Achieve, Bloom, Endure

You never know when or where you will meet interesting people!!  Jan and I attended the Chicago Half Marathon Expo a few weeks ago.  As we were exploring the booths I came across a colorful booth with two dynamic women chatting with fellow runners.

I learned they created a group called Fellow Flowers. 

Their mission: Friendship + Running = Transformation.
A dream becomes a goal when you say it out loud. It becomes a plan when you write it down. It becomes your Anthem when you embody it and accept its presence as your destiny.
Bloom, baby. Bloom.

They wear flowers in their hair as a reminder of their mission.

Jan and Newbie with the founders of Fellow Flowers

They have a rainbow of colors to choose from for your flower.  I choose Red. 

"Red=Love, Passion, Commitment and Spirit.  Caring for the world around you.  Bringing it-every damn day.  It takes STRENGTH to do what you love."

This is so me!  At least the ME I strive to be :) 

Check out their website for inspiration and more information.

My training is complete.  My last run on Friday was a  mere 4 miles.  I am ready!!!  I little nervous but ready!  It's good to be a little nervous, tells you that you are alive and still growing!

Acting silly before my last training run
Thank you to all my family and friends for the phone calls, texts and emails today.  It really touched my heart.  I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.
And thank you to all my donors!  I've reached $6,258 toward my $10,000 goal.  Saturday is the last day for donations.  If you haven't already please donate TODAY.  The children and families of Ronald McDonald House need your help.  YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TODAY.

Your friend Newbie,