Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Will I run out of ideas??

Hello everyone!

About once a week I think...will I run out of ideas to blog about?  I committed to daily posting to raise $10,000 for RMHC.  And I only have 131 more days to hit (or pass :))  my goal!  What was I thinking!!! What on earth will I blog about in another 30 days...

But everyday brings new experiences/opportunities/people and seems like it always forms a story in my mind.  In fact, a friend asked me about it today...  This is how I explained it to him...Experiences during the day, become drafts at night and postings in the morning.  Voila!

So for today's story....  I was in my office on Tuesday.  I noticed there were a few dollars in my collection jar...I wondered who was donating dollars instead of spare change....  then I happen to see David drop in not one but TWO dollar bills!!  I thanked him and asked if he was the mystery contributor of the dollar bills???

He said he committed to donating a dollar to RMHC for every time he worked out and $5 for everytime that he skipped his workout.  What a great commitment and way to set a goal!  Selfishly, I should hope he doesn't work out so he will donate more money but I would never think that way :)

Thank you David!  But that is just part of the story I want to tell about David...David was in a coma last year...come back tomorrow to learn David's story...

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