Monday, July 9, 2012

Is everyone else running to eat too?

Survived my 11 mile run this week!  Luckily it was much cooler...11 miles early in the week would have been miserable!  During the 2 hours I had lots of time to think...and observe all the shapes and sizes of people on the trail...and wonder what their motivations are to run/walk/bike.  Is everyone inspired by their desire to overindulge or do they do they have other reasons???

Short post today...just arrived in Naples and too many distractions to write something clever.    I told Gabi I would put this in my blog...when I want her attention she ignores me and when I need to post my blog...she will not stop talking!  :)  Best 15 year old daughter anyone could have :)  She is a character!!

And...going on vacation with my friend Jan is like going to boot camp :)  I'm I will have to use all my negotiation skills to push back our running time to something somewhat reasonable...especially considering Naples is one hour ahead.  Jan... that means when you want to leave at 5:30...that is 4:30 for us...just saying :)

So sharing a couple of pictures and a video today.

Pre 11 mile run...decided not to post after pic :)

Started the day with the 11miler and ended it with a pre-bday celebration dinner with my 2 best college friends, Mark and Shar.  Shar just started an early morning walking routine.  Way to go Shar!!!  Let's sign up for a 5K this fall.  Are you in???

Great friends!

Your friend Newbie
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  1. I love your enthusiasm! It even extends to my new walking routine. And I know how pushy, I mean persistent, you are but I'm also pretty immune to peer pressure. No 5K for me this year but I won't rule it out for NEXT year. :-)

  2. OK...I will remember that...of course!!! Next year it is :)
