Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Will my chiropractor break my neck?

It was my biggest fear and concern when I first visited Dr. Bowers.  I'm over that fear...OK almost over that fear.  He assures me he has NEVER broken a patients neck.   Of course..."Question Girl" had to ask!


Many might think chiropractic care is quackery and I have to admit that is what I thought too.   I visited Dr. Bowers for awhile over a year ago. I've been meaning to go back to continue to treat the pain in my arm. I've been told it's compressed disks and "tight" nerves. Still not sure what a tight nerve is but OK I guess I have them...

I went back after much procrastinating and in one visit, my arm feels great!!!  He is a perfect chiropractor for me because he is a runner and sports medicine guy.  Not only has he completed many marathons and run across the Grand Canyon (yes, down...across...and back up!), he is also an ultra marathon runner...that is 50 miles plus of running! Sorry Dr. Bowers but that is crazy. But if you can do it, more power to you!!

If you live in the Chicago area and are interested in Dr. Bowers snapping your neck...Ooops...I mean healing you...  See the link to his website.

He is always smiling while he is twisting your neck!

Speaking of I wore a new pair of shoes to work.  (I know...really interesting!)  I twisted my ankle and had to ice it during my team meeting.  There is not one runner in the I'm sure they all thought I was a little odd putting an ice pack on my ankle during a team meeting :)  Anyway...the lesson learned...clumsy NewbieMarathoners should not wear platform shoes! 

I know Dr Bowers would not approve of my fashion choice.  He would tell me to choose flats until after the Marathon....let me think about that.... UM NO!  :)

A fashion DO and runners DON'T :)

All kidding aside...thank you Dr. Bowers!!!!

On a somewhat related of my out of town colleagues who visited to attend the team meeting said..."I look forward to receiving your blog email everyday".  Thank you Dana!  What a wonderful compliment!  I guess I have to continue writing until Marathon Day.

PS.  Looking forward to going to Uniquely Thursdays in Hinsdale this week.  My friend Danielle's husband is playing in a band there.  She invited me to go with a group of her friends and of course my favorite baby, her daughter Madison.  Luckily, Friday is my day off of running so I can enjoy my other "hobby"--eating and drinking!  I think there might be another collage coming tomorrow :)

Your well adjusted friend Newbie

“Let your heart feel for the afflictions and distress of everyone, and let your hand give in proportion to your purse.”
-George Washington

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  1. I’m glad you enjoyed your first visit to a chiropractor, and that the chiropractor you visited erased any hesitations you have about the practice. I imagine you would know this by now, but for the benefit of your readers who might come by and don’t know anything about it, a “tight nerve” happens when injured nerve repairs itself, but is reduced in length from what it originally was. The regrowing itself might actually be part of the reason for the pain in your arm. It’s easily remedied, though, with a few more trips to the chiropractor. Good luck and I hope your arm starts feeling better again soon!

  2. It is true that some people think chiropractic care can’t help because it is categorize as complementary and alternative medicine. But actually, regular visit to a chiropractor can help maintain good health and prevent problems and injury. Anyway, it is good that you’ve tried it and already have seen the effects in your arm. I hope you regularly visit your chiropractor, so that you maintain a good body condition as a marathon runner.

  3. Paying a visit to the chiropractor was a good decision. Regular visits to the chiropractor, on the other hand, can surely put an end to any muscular, neck pain, and help to accelerate the healing process of any injury that you might have. Going ye ol’ natural on the healing process is always the best option.

    -Kelly Nell

  4. Knowing that your chiropractor is involved in sports and health activities is a major plus, since these can be taken as signs of credibility. A good chiropractor is adequately experienced and competent to alleviate you of immediate pain from injuries.

    Tiffani Villagomez

  5. “He is a perfect chiropractor for me because he is a runner and sports medicine guy.” I agree! I think it’s great that he’s also a runner because he knows what runners like you feel and how he can help you address your problems. Such an expert is ideal because he can better empathize with your situation. Anyway, kudos and good luck on your future marathon!

    Gwen Knight
