Thursday, May 31, 2012

I overtrained!

Hello everyone,

I overtrained yesterday.  Ouch!  I am sore!  I was scheduled to run 5 miles on Tuesday but my daughter had a sports award ceremony that lasted until almost 10pm.  Way past my bedtime to start running at 10pm!  So I decided I could "make up" for Tuesday on Wednesday.  I "ran" 5 miles in the afternoon and rode my bike 10 miles in the evening.  No problem sleeping last night :)  My training is really going to start kicking in gear now...I have no choice.  I signed up for this damn Marathon!  What was I thinking!

As promised, I am sharing David's story today.  I started working with David a few months ago and was really impressed with his friendliness and positive attitude.  I had no idea, until recently, about his life threatening experience. 

David is 42 yrs old.  "It was really strange - one Saturday, I was running stairs and doing burpees as part of training for the Crossfit Games, the next I was jaundiced..."

David has an ask for today...please sign up to be an organ donor.

David's Story

I came down with symptoms (jaundice, malaise) in mid January 2011.  Was diagnosed with " autoimmune hepatitis causing acute liver failure".

I was discharged and stable at the end of January (it's safer at home than in the hospital), stayed stable for a few days until the day after that big snowstorm that closed LSD.  That night I fell into coma and was revived/woken up the following Wednesday - missing the Super Bowl.  The cause of the coma was a sudden worsening of the liver decomposition which caused a buildup of ammonia, which caused the hepatic encephalopathy and coma.  And waking up like that is really frightening.  No idea where you are, no idea what's happened, having arms and legs secured to the bed so you don't thrash around, all sorts of tubes in your nose and mouth.  Not being able to speak (because of the tubes) or really communicate. 

I was two weeks in the intensive care awaiting a new liver.  Since my condition was acute, the protocols for obtaining a new organ are slightly different - my "waiting list" is not the traditional one that people think of.  But it also meant someone had to die to give me another chance.  I remember lying in the hospital, waiting.  Each time I'd hear an ambulance hurry up to the ER, I'd wonder if my chance at living was happening below. 

That's the hardest part:  My family's happiness that I'm still here is mixed with the unfathomable sadness and loss another family has had to overcome.

To deal with that, I'm being the TRANSPLANT ROCKSTAR.  Being as healthy and as fit as I can be.  I owe it to Anne, my wife, my parents, and my donor's family and memory.  I call him "SAM", short for "Good Samaritan" .  So I make sure I follow every rule, exercise and hydrate properly, follow and maintain a healthy diet, schedule and keep every appointment, take all my meds exactly as prescribed, and live life with attitude.

And this is an ongoing story - and one with a victorious ending!

Please donate and sign your organ donor card


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Will I run out of ideas??

Hello everyone!

About once a week I think...will I run out of ideas to blog about?  I committed to daily posting to raise $10,000 for RMHC.  And I only have 131 more days to hit (or pass :))  my goal!  What was I thinking!!! What on earth will I blog about in another 30 days...

But everyday brings new experiences/opportunities/people and seems like it always forms a story in my mind.  In fact, a friend asked me about it today...  This is how I explained it to him...Experiences during the day, become drafts at night and postings in the morning.  Voila!

So for today's story....  I was in my office on Tuesday.  I noticed there were a few dollars in my collection jar...I wondered who was donating dollars instead of spare change....  then I happen to see David drop in not one but TWO dollar bills!!  I thanked him and asked if he was the mystery contributor of the dollar bills???

He said he committed to donating a dollar to RMHC for every time he worked out and $5 for everytime that he skipped his workout.  What a great commitment and way to set a goal!  Selfishly, I should hope he doesn't work out so he will donate more money but I would never think that way :)

Thank you David!  But that is just part of the story I want to tell about David...David was in a coma last year...come back tomorrow to learn David's story...

Please donate


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

You never know what the day will bring...

Hello everyone,

You never know what the day will bring...I learned a new word and met some interesting people this weekend.

First about the new word.  I will not mention the word but depending who you ask or if you look it up in the dictionary, it can be considered a vulgar word.  When the word was used in conversation, and I asked what it meant...the 4 other adults at the table had a great laugh.  They could not believe I had never heard the word before.  Later I asked my 15 year old daughter and she also had a good laugh!  At least my ignorance is making people laugh :)  If you know me and are interested I can tell you the whole story but this is a family appropriate blog so I will not divulge it here.

I also met some interesting people completely by chance at Starbucks.  A chiropractor who is very passionate about his work, his wife who is mother of five/a nurse/ and a singer in a rock group!   A triathlete who lives in Hinsdale and is Cuban. He said he was only allowed to move into Hinsdale because the Hinsdalians thought he would mow their lawns.  Very funny! 

And...Bo Jackson.    I don't follow sports (but I like to go to games/drink beer/eat hotdogs) but I know he is a famous Sox player.  I'm sure his career was impressive but I what found impressive is that he was a super nice guy and recently organized a charity bike event.  He raised money for the tornado victims in Alabama.   He didn't need to organize a charity fundraiser but he did!

I do have a point to all this...hopefully I usually have a point/message in my blog!  You never know what life will bring your way if you stay open to it.... Here's to being open to life and all the opportunities/people/joy/experiences and sometimes challenges it brings!

Please donate
Your friend Newbie

Monday, May 28, 2012

Easy and life don't make good bedfellows


For Sunday my coach scheduled me for an "easy hour bike ride to flush out legs from yesterday's run."  

Hallelujah!  I can do Easy!!  I love Easy!  Remember I am a lazy runner/biker and I welcome the opportunity for Easy.  First time I ever heard my trainer use those words :)  Usually she says "Come on Sue, run a little longer, faster, you have it in you!!!"  I know I do but sometimes it's difficult to find it when it's hot or cold or windy or I had two glasses of Cabernet the night before :)

But Easy reminds me of a quote:

Easy and Life don't make good bedfellows.... Ponder that today and post a comment about what that means to you...

Gabi will love this photo!

For some reason my email did not go out last night so visit my blog if you are interested in yesterday's blog.  And yes I know... I still owe you the last 4 regrets of the dying.

Please visit my blog and donate


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Gotta say you don't look like you ran 10 miles

Hello again,

In response to watching the videos a friend said "Gotta say you don't look like you ran 10 miles".  Well that was a great compliment!  The weather was perfect and it didn't rain so at least I didn't look like a drowned rat like after my first half marathon :)  Today I am a little sore but not too bad considering I didn't really start training until a few weeks ago!

I hope my story encourages you to try your first (or second or third) race or any other type of charity/fun event.  I can say it is a memory that will stay with me forever...and added another medal to my collection :)  OK...not exactly a Gold Medal from the Olympics or a Purple Heart veterans receive for serving their country....that is a medal truly deserved!  But, it is still feels great!

After the race, my friend Danielle called and asked if I would watch her 9 month old daughter.  Of course I would!!!  Gabi and her friend joined me on our babysitting adventure.  Madison is an adorable and busy 9 month old.  Gabi and her friend were a little unsure because they both had never been around babies.  It was so amusing when Madison kept crawling back to Gabi and pulling herself up on Gabi to be near her! 

That experience reminded me of a quote and I wish I have for everyone reading...
I sincerely wish you realize all your dreams, seeing all reach fruition with wide eyes of innocence, so you may cherish all their infinite possibilities.

 If you are an email subscriber, click on link below to view yesterday and today's video

Please donate

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Perfect Weather for Soldier Field 10 Mile Race!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Jan and I just finished the Soldier Field Race!!  Haven't run 10 miles in a long time.  It was windy and cold at first but the overcast sky was perfect for running.

The finish line was in the middle of Soldier Field and I heard my name announced over the loudspeakers.  How fun is that!  Never thought that would happen. 

Endorphins still kicking in but I am sure I will be tired tonight and hopefully not too sore tomorrow.  This was just a fun run and total time was 2:13 with one bathroom break.

Including 2 videos and a photo but not sure if you will be able to view the videos if you receive the daily email updates.  If you are interested, you can check out the videos on the blog.  I will include another video tomorrow. 

Hope my 10 mile run inspires you to run/walk/bike/hike/play tennis or anything else fun and physical today.  The options are endless...Just do it :) 

Please donate

Your friend Newbie

Friday, May 25, 2012

Long Day, Short Post

Hello everyone,

I usually write my blog at night and post in the morning.  It's been a looooong day!  So I have nothing particularly inspirational or witty to write.  So I will share a quote that a friend sent me in response to yesterday's post.  Sorry to disappoint but you will have to wait for the 2nd Regret until tomorrow.  That is for all of you who aren't impatient and didn't already conduct a Google search to learn all 5 Regrets :)

“All men dream, but not equally.  Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”

T.E. Lawrence

Please donate


Thursday, May 24, 2012

5 Regrets of the Dying

Sorry for the morbid title!! 

The regrets are not morbid, and maybe not surprising but worth sharing.  I will share one truth a day for the next 5 days.  This way I know you will come back at least for the next 5 days.  Or, if you are impatient, like me, you will Google it and ruin the surprise.  You really don't want to do that, do you? 

They say Patience is a virtue...and it is one virtue I need to continually work on.  Having children has made me more patient but I still have a looooong way to go.  I am patient with my children (most of the time, but they might disagree :)) but in other aspects of my patience is sometimes for all of you who have said they will donate "soon".  There is no time like the present...see I really need to work on my patience :)

The first of 5 Regrets

By Bronnie Ware on November 30, 2011
For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives.
People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learnt never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
This was the most common regret of all. When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.
It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.

Second Truth coming tomorrow...

Please donate

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Did you try something new???

Well, did you? 

If you read my blog yesterday you will know what I am talking about...if you didn' time like the present...  If you know me well, you know I always ask questions and will continue to follow up until I get an answer...

Yesterday I tried Falefels (delicious!), rode my bike that I haven't ridden in years (my bum hurts!) and because you are reading know I started a blog.  Ok, I started the blog 2 weeks ago but the Falefels were new to me :)

I also started a Twitter account a few days ago (also new to me).  I'm not sure how much I will tweet but my 21 year old friend (my hair stylist) said it was a good way to publicize my blog.  So, I signed up, created my NewbieMarathone (didn't have room for the r) profile and sent out my first tweet with my blog address.  I followed a few running focused groups, a few people and local businesses.  So far I have 9 followers.  I have no idea how this will turn out but it doesn't hurt to try!

On Saturday I will "run" the Soldier Field 10 miler.  I haven't run 10 miles in a looooong time so I'm sure it will be a challenge but a fun challenge.  If you have never participated in a large race, you should try it.  Even a 5K.  The energy is intoxicating! 

 Today's quote: "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."  Love this quote!  I need to ponder it and will share my thoughts tomorrow.

Please donate


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Be Weird! Be Random!

Hello again!

Odd title, right?  This quote really resonates with me.  "Be Weird...Be Random...Be who you are... because you never know who would love the person you hide".

To me, this quote is not about actually being Weird and Random.  I can't be weird and random at my client presentation today!  It's about having the courage to be who you are.  We all have our public and private personas...okay maybe not all of us.  But, we might not have the courage to always be ourselves.   This blog is a perfect example.  I am a private person and at first was apprehensive about writing a blog and sharing my thoughts.  A few of my colleagues jokingly said they are reading my blog to psychoanalyze me... Can't wait for them to share their analysis with me :)

Writing this blog is totally out of character for me but I am really enjoying it!  I moved out of my box and tried something totally new.   In this case, I moved out of my box and shared part of myself to fundraise for RMHC.   I encourage everyone reading to do something "out of character".  Not necessarily something totally weird and random.  I don't want to be blamed for elicting odd behavior!  But I encourage you to do something new...TODAY!  I read somewhere, we should take a risk everyday.  That might be a little extreme, but take a risk TODAY...even a small one. Eat Falafels for the first time...ride the bike that you haven't ridden in years...start a blog :)

We often follow convention because it is easier than not...   But if you take a risk...even if it doesn't turn out EXACTLY the way you will feel rewarded by at least making the effort.

I don't know who is following via daily email updates, but thank you for all the positive feedback to date.  Glad you find it inspirational and sometimes funny!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Cancer Free

Hello everyone,

Today I will share a story of a little boy and his family who benefited from your generous donations to Ronald McDonald House Charities.

At just six-months old, Colt was diagnosed with cancer after a routine check-up. His doctors found a tumor and discovered that is was neuroblastoma.

Colt started chemotherapy then went through a stem cell transplant, requiring him to be in and out of the Monroe Carell Jr.’s Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt for an extended period of time. His parents, Cody and BreAnna, lived more than two hours away in Loretto, Tennessee. They couldn’t imagine not being by Colt’s side to hold his arm, assure him that things would be okay, and give him strength to keep fighting with all his might.

That's when Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) of Nashville stepped in, providing them a 'home away from home' when they needed it most.

 “It was a place where Colt could come to be away from the hospital – where he could run into the playroom and play with the train set, bowling ball and pins, and play kitchen, escaping into a world where there were no scary noises, neon lights, needles and tubes even if only briefly.” After almost two months, Colt was finally able to go home. However, less than a year later, the cancer returned. While he went through chemo again, the Phillips once again checked into the Ronald McDonald House in Nashville, and found the same kind of support, comfort and hope that they had experienced a year before.

Two months ago, when RMHC found out that Colt was once again cancer free, we celebrated with more than 175,000 of our Facebook fans.

Thank you for all your generous donations to date!!  If you haven't donated yet, please do it today.  Colt and so many children and their families are supported by your donations.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

No traffic at 3am

You might be thinking....Wow! Newbie must have had a night out on the town.   Um no....

I haven't been awake at 3am for a long time. I remember the last time I was, and I paid the price dearly the next day.

I did not choose to wake up at 2am today but I was "volunteered" by my wonderful daughter to chaperone a fundraising Relay Race.  Gabi and a team of 5 young women ran a relay race for 24 hours straight.  I am truly inspired by them!

One week ago, I would never guessed I would watch the sunrise from the football field of Hinsdale Central High School.  An example of you never know what life will bring you way!

I "ran" 6 miles with my friend Danielle this morning (after my 3-6 shift ended!).  I told her I would mention how much I hate running with a 31 year old.  She kept pushing me to go faster and farther.  I know I need to be pushed but still didn't like it today.  I was up at 2am this morning!  :)

My goal is to increase the running intervals and decrease the walking intervals until there is no (ok almost no!) walking during the Marathon.

I will recyclye one of my first quotes:  Marathoning...the TRIUMPH of DESIRE over reason!  But that quote does not only apply to training for a Marathon, it can apply to anything.  It is the triumph of a dream, goal, desire to overcome the voice in your head that might be saying...You can't do it.  Well that voice is wrong!  I say this to my children and I am sure  many of you do too...You can do anything you set your mind to.   Why do we say this to our children when we don't act this way ourselves????

Happy 18th Birthday to my fantastic son, Will!

Please donate and pass on this blog.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Be Thankful

I woke up this morning to the sound of birds and it reminded me of a quote from Maya Angelou:

On this beautiful day, I am thankful for the birds chirping outside, warm sunshine, my family and friends and so many things I can not list them all!  My daily messages are meant to inspire you and to push beyond what you think you can do but...always remember to be thankful for what you have too. 

I guess I am similar the bird in the quote...I have a song (a story to share) and I know everyone else does too.  Consider telling your story as a guest blogger and inspire others. 

Yesterday's quote was Seize the is Carpe Diem...Seize the day!

Be thankful for your health and the health of your children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews and please donate to RMHC to support the children and families who are struggling with an illness.

PS.  I am not sore from running yesterday.  My coach had me do odd looking dynamic stretching.  We looked like Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita from the Karate Kid.  Wax on, Wax Off :)

Please donate

Newbie Marathoner

Friday, May 18, 2012

First Official Training run with Coach Mary Ann

Hello everyone!

I received a few feedback comments so far.  All positive but please keep your feedback coming and feel free to comment directly on the blog.

Well...I'm pooped!  I had my first official training run with my coach today.  She pushed me to run farther than I have in a long time...hope I am not too sore tomorrow. 

As Charles mentioned, I've been run/walking too.  When I trained for my first half I was pretty happy with my time as a Newbie HalfMarathoner.  2:25 minutes wasn't too bad considering the 40 mile per hour wind gusts and Lake Michigan trying to drown me :)  But my next two halfs were slooooooow.  Ran Chicago Half in was hot and sunny... and I didn't really train like I should have.  The next one was the  December Vegas Rock and Roll Half.  I considered it more of a "fun run".   Who wants to take running seriously during a trip to Vegas!

Since then I've been a real slacker!  Or I like to think, I was taking a break and adding a layer of fat to carry me thru the cold winter months :)

Today I "ran" 6 miles.  Still recovering from my cold so my coach started slow to see what I could do.  I really am a lazy runner.  When I feel like walking... I walk...look at the trees...the birds...enjoy the breeze. 

But not today!   At first we ran 1/4 mile and walked 1/4 mile...then ran 1/2 mile and walked 1/4 and then she pushed me to run 3/4 mile and walk 1/4.  We finished the 6 miles using that system.  The first mile really is the most difficult and then it gets easier...ok just a bit easier!

Commemorated our first run with a photo.  Mary Ann is the super fit one on the left. 

Carpe Somnium!  Seize the dream!  Whatever your dream may be!

Please donate

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Feedback Please

Hello everyone! 

I've been posting for over a week and I'm curious about your feedback.  Are you enjoying the postings, is it motitaving?  Or are you happy you recieve the blog emails at 9:15 in the evening because it puts you to sleep...Snore....

Asked my almost 18 year old son if he liked my blog he said "It's good...I guess"  If you have a teenage son you will know that is high praise!  He also said I use too many .... and smiley faces.  So... I will refrain from using as many smily faces in the future....  :)

Please comment on the blog or email me directly.  Don't believe this has gone viral (yet!) so everyone reading knows my email address. training updates.  I've had a bad cold all week.  Plan to run today...and Friday...and Sunday...

Now to the long awaiting Howling Dog Story!!!  I know you have been anxiously waiting for this since mentioned it yesterday.

There was an old man who had an old hound dog. His friend came to visit and noticed the dog was howling all the time.

The friend asked “Why is your dog howling?”

The old man answered that his dog was sitting on a nail. “Well, why is your dog sitting on the nail if it hurts him so? Why doesn’t he just move?”

The old man answered “Because it doesn’t hurt him enough.”

Are you sitting on a nail?  What is stopping you from accomplishing your goals?  Whatever they may be...

Please feel free to comment directly on my blog or just ponder this question this today...  For a few people, the answer might be nothing!  But for most of us, we have many excuses for not accomplishing our goals and Daring to Dare!  Hope my blogs motivates you to move past those excuses and get at least tomorrow!

Please donate


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Please welcome Charles, my first guest blogger!

Charles is the manager of the RMHC team and has an inspiring story to tell.  I know you will enjoy his story and I guarentee his writing style will make you smile.   I will be back tomorrow with the story of the “Howling Dog”.    I hope that piques your curiosity.  For some reason yesterday's blog post was not emailed, so please visit my site to view yesterday's post.  I hope you will find it amusing.

As Tigger would say…TTFN


If you already donated...Thank you!!!  If you haven't please donate today.  Similar to a PBS channel, viewers like you help make this programming possible :)

Charles Rubner’s ‘Guest Blog’

Just as Sue is totally new to blogging, I am totally new to ‘guest blogging’ and don’t quite know where to start—other than to just start telling you my story…

So Charles… what’s your story?

 Glad you asked!

(Runners LOVE talking about running.)

My ‘story’ begins in 2003. I was completely out-of-shape; weighed more (LOTS more) than I ever had in my life; and KNEW I had to do ‘something.’  And soon.

And so I made up my mind to start running—what the heck… it didn’t cost a lot; and it was something I could start doing by myself, without needing to expose my “out-of-shapeness” to my friends.)

And once I got started, I liked it!

That first year I got so that I could comfortably run 2, 3 or 4 miles.


But never any more.

Which was okay with me… first, because after running up to 4 miles—I WAS TIRED! I couldn’t have run farther if I wanted to! And second… because I had no REASON to run any farther.

Which was just fine with me.

Then in 2004, a friend of mine who was training for the Chicago Marathon that year said, “Hey Charles. You’re a runner… do you want to run the marathon with me?”

“Kate” I said, “I can run 3 or 4 miles… but there’s NO WAY I could run 26.2 miles.”

At which point she said the words that have forever changed my life… “But Charles, you don’t HAVE to run 26.2 miles.”


And Kate went on to explain the whole notion of “run/walk.”

She explained that she trains by running for 5 minutes; and then walking 1 minute. (What Kate called a “5/1 run/walk.”)


She also shared that others in her training group run 4 minutes and walk 2; or run 8 and walk 1.

That’s the way they train. And that’s the way they run their events.

“Kate,” I said. “I can run for 5 minutes.”

“Then Charles, you can run the marathon.”

Which is exactly how this story ends…

… or, begins.

The first time I did a “run/walk” I ran 5 miles.

A few weeks later I was comfortably covering 8 and 10 mile distances.


I ran 10 miles!

By the time I started increasing my mileage—it was too late to ‘run Chicago’ in 2004… but I promised myself to keep training and sign-up for the Chicago Marathon the following year.

By the time I was standing at the ‘START’ on October 9, 2005 I had lost 45 pounds and was a TOTALLY new (and happier) (and healthier) me.

I have now run 7 marathons, 16 halfs; and completed 5 triathlons.

So that’s my story…

And I SO encourage you to start your own story.


You don’t have to train for marathon--although I hope that one day, you do.

(And I hope you will run for Team RMHC, to benefit the children and families served by Ronald McDonald House Charities.)

But ‘get out there’ and do SOMETHING!

Walk a mile. (Or two.)

(Then three.)

Start running… or ‘run/walking.’ Then sign-up for your ‘first-ever’ 5K, 10K or half marathon.

Bike.  Swim.  Take a yoga class.  (S-t-r-e-t-c-h yourself. Literally!)

And once you start—don’t stop! Keep doing it.

Make ‘training’ for a healthy and fit “you” a part of your day, your week and your life.

It will change your life.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Free Coffee, Collection Jar and Expressway On-Ramps

Don't be surprised if you see me with a coffee cup asking for donations.  A few days ago, at my usual spot, I jokingly requested a free cup of coffee since it was Mother's Day.   This coffee shop is not known for giving away free tall soy lattes, but I received one that day!  That brings me to my motto... not sure if it's a quote...don't know if I made it up or stole it from somewhere.  Always ask for what you want...all someone can say is no... (but they usually say yes!)  So, I am asking you to please donate to RMHC.

Today I had the brilliant idea (okay maybe not so brilliant!)  to create a collection jar and ask my colleagues to clean out their desks and donate any spare change.  Yes... I heard all the jokes about asking for money on the expressway on-ramps, etc.  I will not take that approach...yet!  But, as my deadline nears, you might see me with a coffee cup asking for donations.  I know my friend Jan would be thrilled to join me.  Actually if I asked her, she should probably text me and say NFW...took me a few minutes to realize what that stood for the first time she used it :)
Thank you to my first donors/coworkers: Doug, Philip, Gail, Mr Potato Head (aka Brent), Shaukat Jay, Kathy and David.

I've been called a "pushy dame" recently...but I hope it was just a joke...I like to think of myself as determined, driven and passionate but not pushy :)

This week I will start sharing the stories of the children and families who benefit from your generous donations.

Please donate today


Monday, May 14, 2012

Official training starts this week! 

I am working with a coach who is turning 46 in July too and she has run an Iron Man.  She is super fit and the one of the most enthusiastic and warm people I have ever met.  She has 5 children and if you met her on the street you would not guess she is an Iron Man or should I say Iron Woman!

You might think that hiring a coach is a luxury you can't afford but for $175 per month I believe it will be well worth my investment. 

A little about I said in one of my first posts, I never ran a mile before I turned 40.  Not one mile!  I thought I need to do more as I get older to stay's not as easy to keep the pounds off at 40 as it is at 25.  :)

I signed up and ran my first 5K a few years ago.  I ran by myself and by the end of the race in the pouring ran.   As I said, running is not glamorous...I looked like a drowned rat at the end of my first race.  But that race inspired me to keep going!  I ran another 5K with my friend Danielle.  Then my friend and marathoner, Cynthia asked me to run a race with her (she is in her 50's).  I was intimidated and after a few months of procrastinating, I asked her to run a half marathon with me.  I had no idea how to train for a first half marathon but she inspired me and helped me.  I trained by myself and after a few months reached my 10 mile training goal! 

I ran my first half marathon was almost exactly one year ago today.  The race weather was less than ideal.  40 mile per hour wind gusts and the waves on Lake Michigan were pounding over the shoreline and onto the course.  Again, I looked like a drowned rat at the end of the race and my hands were numb from the cold.  But, when I crossed the finish line the feeling was unbelievable!  I thought I was going to cry!  I received my first medal at 44.  I had never received a medal in my life.  So the point of this story is...don't let anything stop you.  Not wind, rain, snow, sleet or hail.  After that experience I thought if I can do this...I can do anything :)

You will start seeing posts from guest bloggers. People in all levels of fitness and with different goals. The purpose of this blog is to raise money for Ronald McDonald House Charities and to motivate anyone to starting moving!  Please pass along my blog to anyone who might be interested.

Please donate today.  Many of my friends told me they will donate closer to the race but with a $10,000 goal, the sooner the better!

Hope you are enjoying this blog.   Please feel free to add comments and to pass it along.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Woke up this morning thinking about all the mothers (and fathers) with sick children at Ronald McDonald houses across the country.  With two children of my own, Will 17 and Gabi 15 (she was born on Mother's Day),  I can only image what they are going through.  Please donate to this wonderful cause which provides housing to families to be be near their sick child.

Also, Happy Mother's Day to all my friends!  Especially my friend Ingrid, who is expecting twin girls in July. Very cleverly named Baby A and Baby B for now.  My friend Danielle, who is celebrating her first Mother's Day.  And also to my mother who I talk to everyday, is a wonderful person and still "mothers" me at 45 years old.  All these women and many more have been an inspiration in my life!

Love this Mother's Day Quote!!  "Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever."  I think I am going to cry :)  This really resonates with me because my children are getting older and my son is going off to college soon.  I don't hold their hand very often but I always hold them in my heart.

I've invited a few friends to be guest bloggers.  If you are interested in guest blogging please contact me.  Everyone has a great story to tell and might inspire others to get moving too.  Maybe you are running your first 5K or starting a walking program.  Any activity is better than none!

Plan to run 6 miles today with my friend and mother Jan.  More on that tomorrow!  I'm sore from yesterday :)

Please donate today!  Think of all the families and children you will help with your donation...however large or small.

Thank you!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Woke up at 6am to run this morning...will need to get up much earlier this summer when it's hot!  Drove to the lake with my friend Jan with every intention to run 6 miles...but the weather did not cooperate.  It was windy and almost ready to rain.  Since we have 5 months to train we decided to run later.  We will not have that luxury as our training progresses.  We will have to run in rain, heat, humidity and whatever nature throws our way. 

Marathoning is not an elegant's not like tennis or paddle. A friend who recently ran her first marathon told me my toenails might turn black and fall off.   How glamorous!  I usually run solo with just my favorite music and nature to keep me going.  Lot's of time to think...and sometimes I actually come up with a good raising $10,000 and running a marathon.  I believe it's a great idea now...not sure I will feel that way after my 20 mile training run in September! 

I ran 4 sloooooow miles today...I do not want to share my time...let's just say I will not win any races!

I plan to run 6 miles tomorrow (my long run for the week)...only 20 more miles and I will run marathon distance.  Seems like an unattainable goal right now!  But that brings me to my quote for today...if you think you CAN...or you think you CAN' are right!  I think I can...correction...I know I can :)

Please use the link below to Ronald McDonald House Charities to help me reach my $10,000 goal.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Marathon Training Kick Off Day!  May 11th, which is also my daughter's 15th birthday, is my official kick off day for my training.  I didn't actually train today but attended the Ronald McDonald House Charities kick off luncheon.  :)  The actual running part starts tomorrow. 

I signed up for a crazy high goal of $10,000 and the only way I can reach it is through your generous donations and passing on my blog to anyone who might be interested.  I hope to use social media to reach my lofty goal.

The kickoff luncheon was an inspiration...the team started a few years only with only a few members.  Last year RMHC team raised almost $500k and this year the goal is $550!  The Chicago marathon raises about 2 million dollars each year. 

The quote I heard over and over again today was...If you don't start...You can't finish...  So true!  Set your goal high (whatever it may be) and get moving! 

I posted what I think is a funny video from the Shamrock Shuffle.   I will post more about how and why I am actually running my first marathon over the next few posts. 

And please donate today.

Thank you!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hello my name is Sue,

I never ran one mile before I turned 40.  Sounds like something from an Alcohol Anonymous meeting!  But the truth is I never ran a mile before I turned 40.  I walked and hiked but never ran.  Even in high school I was never very athletic.  But now, at almost 46 I decided to run a marathon.  What am I thinking!  I hope my journey will inspire you to run, walk or start any type of physical activity.  I also hope to raise $10,000 for Ronald McDonald House Charities.  I decided if I was fundraising I might as well think big!  Please support me in my fundraising and follow my blog.  I will post a link to my fundraising page this weekend. 

As I said in my first posting, this is my first blog.  I never even read a blog before but I thought it would be a great way to connect with the "crowd" and raise money for a wonderful cause.

Tomorrow is the official kick off for the Ronald McDonald House Charity team.  The marathon is less than 5 months away and I really need to get my butt in gear.  I have been a real slacker lately...  I sure you can relate...I have so many excuses not to's too hot, it's too cold, it's too windy.  Well no more!  Less than 5 months and counting!  I hope this will inspire you to set your own goals, for physical fitness or whatever is important to you.

I will post some of my favorite quotes in most blogs.  Today's quote is from Maya Angelou.  My dear friend and mentor Cynthia, gave me a card with this quote.  "I believe the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity, is daring to dare."

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


This is my first blog and first posting.  Please forgive any typos, grammer errorrs, etc. 

As the name suggests, I am training for my first marathon and raising money for my charity, The Ronald McDonald House Charities. 

I started to brainstorm how I could raise money for my charity.  I thought about a friend who considers himself "a wannabe crowd sourcing expert" I decided to leverage crowd sourcing to raise money.  I hope this blog about training for a first marathon will inspire others to get moving.   I am excited and nervous!  If I can do it...anyone can...more on that later.

More posts to official training starts this weekend.  Wish me luck! 
