Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Did you try something new???

Well, did you? 

If you read my blog yesterday you will know what I am talking about...if you didn' time like the present...  If you know me well, you know I always ask questions and will continue to follow up until I get an answer...

Yesterday I tried Falefels (delicious!), rode my bike that I haven't ridden in years (my bum hurts!) and because you are reading know I started a blog.  Ok, I started the blog 2 weeks ago but the Falefels were new to me :)

I also started a Twitter account a few days ago (also new to me).  I'm not sure how much I will tweet but my 21 year old friend (my hair stylist) said it was a good way to publicize my blog.  So, I signed up, created my NewbieMarathone (didn't have room for the r) profile and sent out my first tweet with my blog address.  I followed a few running focused groups, a few people and local businesses.  So far I have 9 followers.  I have no idea how this will turn out but it doesn't hurt to try!

On Saturday I will "run" the Soldier Field 10 miler.  I haven't run 10 miles in a looooong time so I'm sure it will be a challenge but a fun challenge.  If you have never participated in a large race, you should try it.  Even a 5K.  The energy is intoxicating! 

 Today's quote: "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."  Love this quote!  I need to ponder it and will share my thoughts tomorrow.

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