Thursday, May 17, 2012

Feedback Please

Hello everyone! 

I've been posting for over a week and I'm curious about your feedback.  Are you enjoying the postings, is it motitaving?  Or are you happy you recieve the blog emails at 9:15 in the evening because it puts you to sleep...Snore....

Asked my almost 18 year old son if he liked my blog he said "It's good...I guess"  If you have a teenage son you will know that is high praise!  He also said I use too many .... and smiley faces.  So... I will refrain from using as many smily faces in the future....  :)

Please comment on the blog or email me directly.  Don't believe this has gone viral (yet!) so everyone reading knows my email address. training updates.  I've had a bad cold all week.  Plan to run today...and Friday...and Sunday...

Now to the long awaiting Howling Dog Story!!!  I know you have been anxiously waiting for this since mentioned it yesterday.

There was an old man who had an old hound dog. His friend came to visit and noticed the dog was howling all the time.

The friend asked “Why is your dog howling?”

The old man answered that his dog was sitting on a nail. “Well, why is your dog sitting on the nail if it hurts him so? Why doesn’t he just move?”

The old man answered “Because it doesn’t hurt him enough.”

Are you sitting on a nail?  What is stopping you from accomplishing your goals?  Whatever they may be...

Please feel free to comment directly on my blog or just ponder this question this today...  For a few people, the answer might be nothing!  But for most of us, we have many excuses for not accomplishing our goals and Daring to Dare!  Hope my blogs motivates you to move past those excuses and get at least tomorrow!

Please donate


1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your blog. I love uplifting messages each day. While I dont exercise like I should it is inspiring to see someone with the drive to do it. Loved the howling dog story. So true.
