Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Guest post from my super awesome and badass coach Mary Ann

First I would like to say, Mary Ann was not paid, cajoled or coerced into writing this guest post.  You will know why I am writing a disclaimer after you read it :)  I asked her a while back and SHE emailed me recently and said "I want to write a guest post-I have alot to say"

Hope you enjoy!

Coach Mary Ann's guest blog

Coach MA here! Guest Blogging for my awesome athlete Sue!

I am so very honored and happy to have this opportunity to write a blog for Sue so that I can finally defend myself in light of all of the times that Sue has referred to me as a “ball buster!”


The truth is that I am thrilled to write this blog because I can offer a new perspective to Sue’s amazing journey – the perspective of the Coach - the one watching Sue, supporting Sue and helping her to achieve her goal of running her first marathon.

As a Coach, you are often asked to help people achieve new and great things. It is one of the best parts of my work and I love being the base of information, motivation, and accountability that launches people on their way.  The hard part is that many times people want to take on something like running a marathon but when the reality of the work comes they back down. Athletes find all sorts of excuses, they try to hide (I have had clients literally fall off the face of the earth!), or they just flat out quit.  Training on a consistent basis is not easy and sticking to a plan with a Coach watching your every move, looking at your Garmin data from your runs, asking tough questions and keeping you on task makes it even harder. Signing up to run your first marathon is a daring move, telling people that you are running is even more brave, writing about your personal experience in a blog is even more courageous and hiring a coach that will be an additional point of accountability puts it all on the line.

Sue has proven to be every level of courage. She has joyfully put herself out in public to share her story of running her first marathon. She has stuck with having me as her coach even when I had to keep her on task and when I have had to remind her to stay focused on the goal and what it takes to get there.

Her journey has been one of steps, both literally on the roads as she ran and figuratively for  Sue as a person. She started with a great deal of desire and “want” but just a basic understanding of what it would take to get her body strong enough to run a marathon. As the hard moments showed up on the road, I was able to point out to Sue when she needed to keep going even if it was tough and Sue kept on going.  She is strong and capable of running this marathon. That is a wonderful accomplishment. Sue is ready!

The other part of her journey is been an even bigger accomplishment for Sue.  What many people won’t take on is the mental and personal side of training.  When training gets hard they often won’t take a good hard look at themselves; they won’t answer the tough questions like “Why do I want to quit? What am I afraid of? How can I work harder or be more disciplined?” Sue has been brave and looked deep into herself as she has trained for this marathon. She has faced her fears, changed her lifestyle, let everyone know that she is taking on this task and that requires courage and tenacity.

I am deeply honored to be a part of Sue’s journey as she runs her first marathon.  I have loved every minute of coaching her and getting to know her as a woman and an athlete.  It is a joy to have met her family, her friends and to share a glass of wine (or two) with her on occasion.   She is a woman of strength, capacity for joy and now….she is an endurance athlete.

As you all know from this blog, Sue has also taken on the task of raising money for the Ronald McDonald House charity.  The kids and families that this charity helps are on their own journey of endurance. Imagine the faith and strength it takes to endure living with an illness – please consider helping Sue to meet her goal.  Donate today.


In addition, Sue has asked for me to include my personal contact information and information about my coaching company, INTENT Inc.   If you are interested in getting into shape, losing weight, or maybe running your first marathon, contact me at maryann@intentlife.com.  My coaching company is designed to support athletes of all levels by providing high quality training programs, nutrition coaching and the motivation and inspiration that they need to succeed. The company is called INTENT because we want athletes to know why they do what they do. What is the INTENT behind each workout? We want athletes to know why they have to run long endurance runs, why they have to strength train, and ultimately why they chose to do any of this. We off the opportunity to train, race, and LIVE with INTENT!


With coach MA at Springsteen...and YES I ran the next morning :)
Thanks Coach MA! You are too kind!  You helped me turn the impossible into the inevitable!!(foreshadowing for a future post)

I would not have trained this hard without your guidance, encouragement...and sometimes your "ball busting" :)

On to another quick topic:

If you are or have ever been a Prince fan his show is spectacular!  Two more days to see him in Chicago at the United Center.  When my wonderful old college chum Mark W texted me and said he had an extra ticket to Prince, I hesitated.  Drive to United Center by myself on a Monday night?  Prince started his concert around the time I've been going to sleep this summer.  But it was worth it!! Luckily my super nice Coach scheduled an easy day for me today :)

No cameras were allowed!  So I had to sneak a few photos :)

Please donate only 12 days until Marathon and blog farewell....

Your friend Newbie (and Coach MA)

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