Saturday, September 1, 2012

18 Mile run?

I was actually starting to look forward to running 18 miles with the CARA running group at the lake this weekend.  I survived running 16 so I thought 18 is ONLY 2 more miles...It won't kill me!

Yikes what is happening to me?

 It is like when Dr Bruce Banner transforms into the Hulk.

At first he doesn't know what is happening....


Is the lazy not serious runner turning into a serious runner????
Maybe slightly more serious but not too serious. If I were really serious I would give up drinking Cabernet and change my diet for the marathon. But some things are non-negotiable :)

My cold has temporarily put me on the disabled list.  I was advised NOT to run 18 miles until I feel 100% better.  If I don't feel 100 better by Sunday at 6:30am, I will be running 18 miles by myself on Monday. 

Or if I have to skip it completely...How will it affect my ability to run the Marathon??

A few months ago, I would have been happy to have an "excuse" to miss the 18 miler.  Now, I am NOT happy only walking until I am 100% healthy. 

Smiling but NOT happy I am only walking :)
Magnificent sky and waves on a cool morning at the lake

Until you can't do something... you really don't appreciate it or know how much you will miss it. 

Luckily I will be able to run again soon but it makes me think of all the children in RMH that are not healthy enough to run and play...and might never be.  With this thought in mind, I ask you again, please don't wait to donate.  A mere 35 days left and the children and families of RMHC really need your help.  If you are reading this blog, even if you don't know me, PLEASE consider donating to this important cause.

Your friend Newbie,

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