Sunday, September 2, 2012

A marathon "fish story"

I'm sure most of you already heard the story about Paul Ryan and his marathon time. 

First let me state, this is not a political blog and I don't care if you are a democrat or a republican.  But I do know as a runner, which Ryan claims he still is, every runner remembers their marathon time.

For those of you who didn't hear the story, he stated in an interview that he ran a marathon in under 3 hours. 

As a New Yorker article states, (I'm paraphrasing here) a runner always knows their marathon time.  They think about it  before the race, talk about it for years after the race, and try to improve it on their next race.

He actually ran the marathon at 20 years old at a time of 4:01.  Not slow by any means but not even close to the 2:50 sometime he originally claimed. 

When did he start telling the story as a 2:50 something marathon instead of a 4:01????

He probably has convinced himself it was the truth and when asked...didn't even flinch re-telling a the public... and to most importantly to himself...

There are things you don't forget...

Days you never forget...

And events that will always live in your memory...

Running a Marathon is one of them.  I'm sure I will NEVER FORGET my Marathon time...and if I ever run for public office...I will have to tell the true to myself and to the public :)

As I said at the start of this post, this is not a political blog...and we all tell white lies...but for some reason I find this lie particularly offense.

If I finish the marathon in 5:01 instead of 4:50 something (which is my goal), I will not be happy about it but I will give my accurate time to anyone who asks.   The saddest thing is to lie to yourself...

What does this have to do with fundrasing for RMHC???  Nothing :)   So, back to the most important topic in this blog... PLEASE donate today :)

Your friend Newbie,

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