Monday, August 20, 2012

"Tell me again why I'm doing this... ?"

 Hello everyone,

As usual, Charles (our RMHC inspirational running coach) captured many of my thoughts and wrote about it more eloquently than I would have so I am "stealing" (with his permission) his RMHC weekly team email.  Although he is writing to Marathon runners, as I have said many (MANY times) this applies to any race or goal you are striving for.  So, please read on to be I always am by Charles' emails.

  When Charles sent me his photo he noted--"I'm on the left" :) 

Charles' Weekly RMHC team email

This past weekend was our group's 16-miler (our "Sweet 16")... and ANOTHER reminder that the hardest part of running the marathon is NOT running the marathon.  The hardest part of running the marathon is TRAINING to run the marathon.  (Seriously!)

In fact, these next several weeks are likely to be weeks when you say to yourself, "Tell me again why I'm doing this... ?"

The weeks where you don't go out with friends on Friday night, because you need to be in bed by 9:30 PM.  The weeks where you set your alarm for 4:30 AM (IN THE MORNING!) (on a Saturday!), so you can get up and run 16, 18 or 20 miles--before the heat and humidity totally 'clobber' you.  (Yes. These are the "bite me" weeks...)

But then, you DO remember the 'reasons why' you're doing this--which are probably the same reasons I do this...

I'm doing this because being a runner is NOW part of WHO and ALL that I am.

I'm doing this because of the commitment I've made to my own health and fitness; and (as a Team RMHC runner), because of the commitment I've made to support the health and well being of the children and families served by Ronald McDonald House Charities.

 And I'm doing this because running makes me a better me--a thought I'm reminded of when I read the quote from Kristin Armstrong--mother, writer and runner: "I am not a 'good runner' because I am me. I am a 'good me' because I am a runner."
(I LOVE that!)

If running these (really) long 'long runs' seems like a challenge--trust me, you're not alone.   (What the heck--YOU'RE RUNNING 16, 18 or 20 MILES! Of COURSE it's a challenge!)

 But (again), remember... you're NOT alone.

Look around you on the running running path, streets or sidewalks that you train on--and take strength from all the other runners who are doing EXACTLY what you're doing.  Look to your family, friends and colleagues and take strength from their good wishes and prayers; and from the donations they're making to Ronald McDonald House Charities to support YOU!

And on Marathon Day look in TOTAL awe at the 45,000 runners standing at your side, and the nearly 1,800,000 spectators who showed up to encourage you and cheer you to the FINISH.

("STRENGTH in numbers," indeed!)

Want to see what all this looks like? Please (please) check out this 6 1/2 minute "highlights" video from the 2011 Bank of America Chicago Marathon:!/photo.php?v=10152024280770037

And IT'S OKAY if you get a big goofy grin on your face (or if big weepy tears come to your eyes) as you watch this.  Especially if this is your first marathon.

On October 7... that will be YOU crossing the FINISH line.   (Sweet!!)


Thank you Charles for the inspiration to run ANOTHER and ANOTHER and ANOTHER mile!  When watching the Chicago Marathon video I did have a big goofy grin on my face.  It also gave me chills and goosebumps!  I am nervous and excited!!!

Just a SHORT 5 mile run for me tomorrow :) 

Your friend Newbie

Please donate…it only takes a few minutes (I PROMISE) and the children of RMHC need your help. Current total is $4,948 with a $10,000 goal...only 47!!! more days until the Marathon and blog farewell

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  1. Thank you for sharing this!! Even though I'm not running Chicago (I WISH I was!!), this all applies to someone running another marathon too - and what a wild ride marathon training really is, especially your first one! I've had a few of those "what am I thinking?!" moments the past while too.. My marathon is 2.5 weeks away (it hurts to type!) the panic is really setting in now! Thanks for sharing this, it really spoke to me :)

  2. Glad you liked it! Charles is such an inspiration. His weekly emails are always inspiring. I will most likely continue to post them every week. I am excited for you--only 2.5 weeks. You will be awesome!!!
