Thursday, July 12, 2012

Vacation is over!

Had a great vacation but it's over and time for some serious training!  10 mile run on lakefront Friday am and a weekend full of training planned.  Yes...planned...doesn't mean I will actually stick to the plan.  :)  And yes I know Coach Mary Ann... no more changes to YOUR PLAN!

10 Mile run was tough!!  Very hot and wiped out after my run.  Lack of training during vacation week really took it's toll today.

RMHC team runners.  I know we will not look like this AFTER the race :)

Invited to spend the day on a beautiful 48 ft boat during my Naples vacation.   The owners are the nicest couple.  They their first boat a few years ago but are now experienced sailors now.  During our trip we almost bottomed out and spent a bit stuck in one spot.  But the couple worked together, kept their cool and got us out of the jam.  Thank you Jen and Bob for a wonderful day!

I'm looking forward to seeing Jen at the finish line...she is much faster than I am! 

A dolphin played in our wake and I captured it on video.  Gabi loved it!!

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.  It will not lead you astray"

Your friend Newbie

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