Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Shin Splints Already?

On Sunday, I was scheduled for a quick 4 mile run.  Started off great...then 1.5 miles into the run...pain... Ouch!  I think they are called shin splints.  Already?  The official Chicago Area
Runner's Association (CARA) program starts this weekend with a long run on Saturday at Waterfall Glen.  How is it possible I have shin splints already!!  I hope my rest day will cure my pain. 

You can find anything on Google Images...and no...my legs are not in the picture :)

125 days left to blog/whine/inspire you with my training and raise $9,000!!!  I'm a researcher/consultant/analyst so I calculated what I still need to raise.  Drum roll please....

I need to raise $78.40 per day for the next 125 days.  What was I thinking to set such a lofty goal!!   I hope this "social media/networking" thing starts to kick in or I will be woefully short of my goal.   Many people have told me they are enjoying my blog and receiving my daily email updates...so please help me by sending my blog to YOUR circle of friends...and maybe they will donate too.  The children and families who depend on Ronald McDonald House need you...and your friends...and your $$$.

I am going to start checking up on everyone who said they were inspired by my blog.  Danna, have you started training for your next race?  Doug, are you still exercising everyday?  David, sorry you missed a workout this week but thank you for contributing $5 instead of $1 to my collection jar for missing your workout.  Gail, I'm still waiting for you to post your comments.  I feel like I'm on Romper Room...I see Gail, David, Doug and Danna...I was always waiting for them to say Susie...yes, when I was younger I was called Susie.

Quote for Today:
"First you jump off the cliff and you build your wings on the way down"
-Ray Bradbury
By signing up for the marathon...I jumped off the cliff...I hope I build my wings on the way down...minus shin splits!

Please donate and pass on to your circle of friends!  It's ok to be pushy when you are asking for donations for a charity :)

Link to my blog page if you would like to view Soldier Field Race videos



  1. Sorry to hear about your shin splints - I had them years ago as a gymnast and they're no fun! I saw a lot of sports doctors back in the day when I suffered from shin splints and the best advice I have is: 1) ICE. shin splints respond well to ice. 2) try to rest them or at least switch up a few of your workouts to lower impact activities to let them rest and reduce impact (pool running (surprisingly tough!), elliptical, biking, other cardio) or if you must run, try to do it on grass of gravel trails instead of pavement; 3) tape - look up on you tube, there are lots of good videos showing how to use athletic or kinesio tape to take pressure off the shins. Good luck!

    1. Thank you Run it my way! Good luck with your first marathon! Love your blog.

  2. Yes, Sue, of course I am still exercising every day. You set a great example.

    1. Glad to hear it R Lee! Keep up the great work!

  3. OK..Here I go, A COMMENT! WooHoo!

    I am really enjoying your blog, Sue! You are a true inspiration - I hesitate to tell you I am thinking about starting to run. I know you'll pester me about it and ask me about it all the time...hmmm, maybe that's a good thing! :)

    As we've discussed, I like red wine and food too much to not be running!

    Keep up the great work!

  4. so happy you commented! I know what you mean about a love of red wine and food...I share the same love! Me pester? You know me so well :
